19 thoughts on “You remember Jack?…”

  1. Oh gosh, here we are in California and we've had several nights of frost already. One morning this week we had no water and I thought "OH NO!" but it turned out some wasps had settled into one of our electrical boxes. Cleaned those rascals out and everything was working again. Whew, no frozen pipes.

  2. Absolutely beautiful photos. Jack hasn't visited here yet, but I'm in sunny Arizona. Although I must admit, it's been a little chilly here in the mornings. This morning it was in the 30s, and that's pretty amazing for this area. Stay warm.

  3. Here too Karen! Thought of you while at a show this afternoon….I will be posting pics and there will be a few ESPECIALLY for you!!

    LOVE that stone wall pic!

  4. Brrrrrrrrrrrr, yes he is, got chilly looking at those from here in Texas. The horse looks nice and warm with the blanket though.

  5. Wow, I just read the last comment and I am speechless. I actually just forget what I was going to type. I couldn't disagree more. Anyway, it has been frosty around here too. It won't be long before there's snow on the ground.

  6. I love Jack!

    BTW, who is the anonymous nut who keeps railing about American women? He sure gets around, the rat. I'm at a loss as to understanding why he thinks he shouldn't be held responsible for picking losers; seems to me he'd see a pattern and change his ways.


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