Yum :-)

  So… I made the candy corn cookies…and I gotta tell ya… they are so delicious.. especially dunked in your morning coffee.  Easy and actually fun to make, too!…

Not that I try to collect followers..
it’s so cool that 300 people have liked what they see here
enough to click on the follower link!
In honor of this, I am having a 300 follower give-away.
 My next post will reveal the give-away item,
and no new followers are required.
For those of you who have already clicked,
you’ll just have to answer a few fun questions.
Stay tuned…. 

17 thoughts on “Yum :-)”

  1. I am waiting for tomorrow's giveaway with baited breath as I have enjoyed your blog forever. Congrats on all your followers too!

  2. Oh my Karen. My husband would be soooo tempted by these. He loves candy corn. We bought a bag last year and he ate a handful, then stuck them in the freezer never to be found again. He would love it if I would surprise him with these.

  3. You must be doing something right then!
    300 followers can't be wrong 😉 The cookies look interesting. Another one of those things I've never seen or even heard of 🙂

  4. Karen, it IS cool you've 300 followers and, as Dave says, you've done it the hard way…waiting for someone to *want* to follow you and not because you've made them jump thru hoops -smile-. Makes it more special, doncha know?
    Cool looking cookies!

  5. Well, congrats on 300 followers- You done good, girl…you done good!

    Now..I missed that recipe before (don't know how) but I popped over and copied it to my files. Those little suckers that come to visit me are gonna LOVE this treat! I can't wait to try it! xo Diana

  6. Good job!!! I'll put on a fresh pot of coffee, (that I can do) you make the cookies and we can have a sit down! I must warn you, I can eat my weight in sweets, however… I won't say what THAT number is, it's too depressing.

  7. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I made the cookies and they were a huge hit at work – especially with the women. Too cute!

  8. Am here from Nancy's Rural Journey. Those cookies look quite something but they might be a little too sweet for my diet. I would have to eat the all 😉 I really LOVE your header.

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