Maine… what a catch!


The first few times  I  traversed the Maine landscape was with an old boyfriend when I was 20 years old.  His aunt lived in the Bangor area and we explored Bar Harbor and attended the Fryeburg Fair.   Loved it!  For whatever reasons, when I married and we grew our family, Maine points weren’t on the radar for vacations… we headed over to the cape and I fell in love with Martha’s Vineyard, so there is where we spent our coastal region getaways.  We will still visit in July, I need my fix of Vineyard time…  but!….

I actually convinced the Mr. we’re not spring chickens and time is of the essence… we need to start slowing down the work machine and take time to explore and enjoy and relax. One never knows when that time has come and gone, right?

SO.  Ogunquit, Maine was recommended to us and it’s just a three hour easy drive up the coast.  I booked it.  We went… we LOVED it… and we loved it so much we’ve booked a few days in September, a girls trip next time with my mom, my daughters and my grands.

In short, the people were happy and friendly and helpful with local information, the businesses all take pride in what they do, that’s so obvious.. the beaches and waters are clean, the air fresh, the food just phenomenal!    We were told it gets much more crowded once the kids get out of school and I believe it.  May, however, is perfect timing.  Marginal Way is a wonderful walkway into Perkins Cove, Ogunquit Beach awesome for kids, especially little kids. I’m really looking forward to the return trip in Sept.


I hope all is well in your world.  Tune out all the noise at least sometimes… it’s a wild, troubled world we live in, and we can’t let the undertow drag us all down, ok?   This life, this time right here is all we’ve got. Make the most of it ❤  Onward and till soon….


Spring sprung!

We’ve had some crappy April weather, truly. But yesterday it was downright summer-like!  Of course, being New England.. we’re back to the crappy weather this morning but oh, the things are greening!  The garden on the hill is planted, and my new kitchen herb raised garden is planted, with a little mini fairy house and yard in the middle 🌞


Sunset behind peach blossoms last night….

a hike with two of my girlies, accompanied by Leo and Kai….

I try to buy non toxic products and non-animal tested.  Some of the companies I have trusted over the years, I wasn’t aware have been sold out to corporations, and because money is their biggest concern, not our health, they tend to change up the ingredients to cut their costs and boost their profits.  If this is important to you, too… check out this list, and then check their ingredients and practices.

During our good weather weekend I took a drive to a dairy farm that is known for it’s outstanding chocolates… Thorncrest Farm in Litchfield, a family owned small dairy farm operation that makes award winning chocolates.  They ship!  Worth treating yourself or someone you love.  They really care about the humane treatment of their cows -they graze them at night for heat and bug stress relief, and their barn is immaculate.  That’s important to me, too.

Our patio with my new kitchen herb raised garden in the background…

My two little cherubs – a year old already!   Grandparenthood is a wonderful, wonderful chapter of our lives, such a blessing ❤

I hope all is well in your world –  Till soon ……

Where will we go from here

I’ve had some interesting conversations with some of my republican friends, and I’m encouraged that we all seem to have the same concerns. To be clear, I am politically unaffiliated and some feel that’s a cop out. For me it feels like the most honest thing I can do, because I see merit in policy on both sides of the proverbial aisle. Extremism on both sides of the spectrum aren’t sustainable or fair and it will be the downfall of our democracy if we can’t get our collective heads out of our asses. I also feel large corporations are mostly running this country, not the talking heads we elect to the top office chair, although they do have the power to inflict some real damage, as has been evident for some time. I’m paying attention, but I don’t have all the answers, I can only vote, and shake my head. But I’m not even happy with my vote options, although I’ll do it begrudgingly because right now I do feel there’s one choice much worse than the other.

Reading today’s headlines, I’ll say this…. I give Johnson credit this morning for bucking the extremist MAGA cult, knowing it might lose him his job. Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy hit the same wall. I hope more of them grow some balls and come back to a reality that is better for the health of this country. And I hope republican voters find a saner middle ground candidate.

Meanwhile… although I don’t fall for the bullshit depicting Biden as corrupt, senile, blah blah blah… it’s actually painful to watch him navigate his too old journey into what could be another four years, hard to imagine it, truthfully. While Trump becomes more nuts and corrupt and divisive with each passing moment. He’ll throw anything and anyone under the bus for his own gain or defense, and.. it’s always about him.

Voters keep seeing only what they want to see along the full political spectrum, many out of touch with what’s actually truth and what’s actually going to benefit them. We’re not collectively fighting for all of our rights, just the ones we hold dear. That’s not what this country was founded on.

Together we stand, divided we fall. Period. It’s that simple. That’s it. We deserve better, we need better. We had all better come up with… better, or this country won’t survive it in any way we would approve.

And for those looking forward to or encouraging a civil war, wake the fuck up, because I don’t know how history hasn’t taught you the most powerful and simple and truthful lesson of them all….. you could lose every single person and thing and value you hold dear, including your own life, but especially those of your loved ones. Be careful what you wish for. No one wins a war, ever. There is always always tremendous loss. For everyone.



What a weekend! Family and friends arrived from far and wide to celebrate the union of my daughter and her beau.  The weather was typical New England fickle early Spring, everything went mostly as planned although we had to move the ceremony inside instead of out on the hill sloping down to the water,  because BRRRRR.   We all had a wonderful night under the big top, dancing our fool heads off thanks to a DJ who knew how to read the room, enticing young and old  to join in the fun.   I’ll share more photos when we have the professional shots but here’s a sneak peek.

At around 2 am after everyone had retired for the night… three of us came down with the nasty stomach bug (norovirus) that’s been going around the midwest and northeast.  It was ugly.  Then a day later, it hit the rest of us here on the farm.   Oddly.. and thankfully.. this particular outbreak did not spread to our guests.  Amen for that…. and the miracle that it didn’t hit us just 12 hours sooner.  We are all feeling better after two days of being mostly in bed if not in the bathroom.   Fun times!

Yesterday before the rain I headed out into the woods to hunt the tiny spring blooms I look for each year – they are the message sent from mother nature that indeed the growing season has arrived, if a little  fickle with a bit of back and forth. Winter has been reluctant to loosen it’s Grip!  That old saying is very true though –  if you don’t like the weather in New England, wait a minute or two…   Tonight we expect more heavy rain and some wind.  Having already lost a few of the towering pines at the front of our property, I hope we don’t lose more of them. They were planted at least 50 years ago in rows, so we have a literal pine forest out there that is aging.

The tiny blooms along the trail out behind the farm fields here….

Long spur violet


Trout Lily

And so far in the garden on the hill  we have planted the potato trenches and the garlic is thriving… the warmer days make outside chores more enjoyable and my soul is lifted, face to the …. well not the sun very much lately, but I remain hopeful! LOL.

The Mr. rarely takes time off but this year upon his 60th birthday I told him I’m going on a few adventures whether he comes with me or not. It’s time we expand our horizons at least a little bit and do more of what brings us pleasure instead of nose to the grindstone 24/7.  We’re taking a few days to explore a bit of southern Maine in mid May and I’ll report on that then. I’m excited for a happy change of scenery, a little adventure –  I hope you find time to do the same in whatever way is enjoyable for you –

A delicious salad recipe I haven’t seen before…

This Blackberry Avocado Arugula salad makes the most of fresh produce with cucumber, avocado, hazelnuts, vegan feta and a lime mint vinaigrette!🥗
• 5 cups Arugula
• 1 Avocado
• 1 cup Blackberries
• 3/4 cup Blueberries
• 1 1/2 cups Cucumber
• 2 tbsp Mint, fresh
• 2 tbsp Lime juice, freshly squeezed
• 1 tbsp Maple syrup
Baking & Spices
• 1 Pepper
• 3/4 tsp Salt
Oils & Vinegars
• 1/3 cup Olive oil
Nuts & Seeds
• 1/3 cup Hazelnuts, toasted
• 1/3 cup Feta, vegan or regular

Till soon –





The Atheist

I love this so much.

A rabbi was asked by one of his students “Why did God create atheists?” After a long pause, the rabbi finally responded with a soft but sincere voice. “God created atheists” he said, “to teach us the most important lesson of them all – the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his actions are based on his sense of morality. Look at the kindness he bestows on others simply because he feels it to be right. When someone reaches out to you for help. You should never say ‘I’ll pray that God will help you.’ Instead, for that moment, you should become an atheist – imagine there is no God who could help, and say ‘I will help you’.”    — Martin Buber, “Tales of the Hasidim”


Of Weddings and Elections and Goals, oh my…

Two weeks to go until my daughter’s wedding! What??!!!    Seems like yesterday we started thinking about it and man, TIME FLIES.  If you’ve done this before you already know… some of the planning is fun, some of it tedious and some of it downright nerve racking.  All of it is expensive.    I don’t know if this is unusual because I haven’t done this much, but in our case, the grooms family hasn’t really participated in the planning, by their choice.  I’ve certainly reached out and asked if they would like to share ideas or suggestions or input of any kind, but they are just a different and distant sort of folk, for lack of a better way to describe it and wanting to be respectful.  SO… as a result… this entire wedding is pretty much what my daughter and I put together with input from the groom of course. We certainly want him to feel this day is his as well as the brides.

When my daughter said yes to the dress, I  quietly had some reservations.  Elements of the dress were beautiful, and some elements didn’t compliment her. Not surprisingly, she felt the same when the actual dress in her size  arrived and we pondered what to do about it.   When we met with the tailor for the standard alterations, we made a great team, the three of us.  We made some big changes that really brought it together beautifully  thanks to the tailors talents, of course…. and I am so happy for my daughter, she loves it and I love that!   I’ll show you the before and afters, after the wedding.

Regarding the state of the world, of all the upheaval, the greed, the corruption, the absolute evil,  the continued erosion of our environment and culture and government and want for truths and justice and equal rights for all, affordable living for all,  freedom to live as we wish, women’s rights… the list goes on and on and on….. this crazy crazy election season (WTF is the best and easiest way to express it)  and the cult environment I would never have believed possible had I not been witnessing it myself….. it leaves me almost speechless when I try to make sense of it all, and that’s one heck of a statement because I don’t have trouble speaking my mind.   I wouldn’t have believed where we are now was at all possible… I always thought of us as a forwarded moving country, building a stronger, kinder, wiser nation.  Sadly, we’re going backwards in so many ways, and so many people are cheering it on and even hoping for civil war, willfully ignoring the dangers of all of it and also ignoring the lessons of past history.  How it’s lost on these people that they, too, could lose everything that means anything to them should something of this nature break out,  is beyond my comprehension.   We are capable of  better healthcare, an end to homelessness, fair tax laws, fair wage, freedom and equality for all, border control, better education, repaired and stronger  infrastructure, and on and on and on.  But our government can’t get out of it’s own way, our party system has become cult-like, it’s failing us all by not functioning together like two wings on the same bird.  Ultimately, human nature is apparently failing us all.  Except not all of us are guilty of it. But it takes the whole village to want it and to cooperate, and that we do not have.

And that’s all I’ve got to say about that for the time being. You see how that train of thought’s tracks run all over the place.

Goals… I’ve still got the same ones… better health tweaks I sometimes do and sometimes don’t, lose some weight, keep going with the exercise,  find inspiration where I can, do good where I can, live my “dash” as fully as is possible.   Below is the latest painting on my easel, still work to do on it, but I haven’t decided how I want to round it out….. I’ll come back to it as inspiration rises…. This is swan hill overlooking the Connecticut river, a hike I’ve taken a few times, admiring the view.

Till soon,





Well, shit.

This is the weekend of my 59th birthday, and while I certainly feel it, I’m also so grateful I’m still here with a body still willing to carry me on ahead for a great while longer… that is my ultimate hope, anyway.  I have vowed to take better care of this vehicle, and while I haven’t abused her horribly, there’s room for tweaks and there to  I shall go.

Yesterday my faithful dog, Kai and I took a 3 mile hike through some very pretty trails, an easy trek with no scrambles through Pine forest and supply pond with swans and turtles and even a skunk making an appearance. No photo of that particular encounter.  The weather was gorgeous and there were others out there enjoying it too. I love those days when it’s obvious everyone is in a better mood, spirits are lifted, faces to the sun 🌞

Later in the day, the Mr. and I had a  late lunch/dinner at a friend’s restaurant on the water,  I chose a healthy meal of fish tacos and then threw it under the bus with a chocolate orange martini.      It is what it is.

Tonight the family gathered  around our dining room table for a celebratory dinner, and it is these moments I am always most grateful for.

And may I say… this grandmother chapter of my life… and I have had several friends concur regarding theirs too… is truly the best chapter in some ways, just truly such a joy💗 .

Saw this next image on Facebook and honestly… do I have to say anything at all here?    Well maybe just… ugh, ugh ugh ugh ugh.  I’ll continue to pray for us all.

Some spring inspiration for this St. Patricks Day….

Till soon –



Ahhh… Vitamin Sea!


After all chores and errands were done I put my walking buddy in the car and together we enjoyed a walk on the beach.  There were quite a few others with the same idea, but this particular beach is miles long with plenty of open space, no houses to claim territory… open to the public. I was reminded of the tremendous gifts we are given when people who are philanthropic and environmentally conscientious leave a gem such as this for all to enjoy forever and ever, Amen.  Such is the case here, and I feel so lucky to live nearby.

Although it’s still chilly and there’s snow dotting the landscape, Spring is definitely letting us know she’s on her way, it was that kind of day.  You know others are feeling it too when you are greeted with smiles or a warm hello – even Kai was given a few “well hello, fella” greetings  by passers by.

As Susan Branch would say…. a red letter day. 💗

Till soon –


For the Love Of


I love 💗LOVE💗, do you?  And jeez, there just isn’t enough of it out there. In simplest terms,  I want to hope as hard as I can, that love wins in the end.  Good versus evil in all things.  I’ll spare you my outrages because you’re all seeing the same damned things on your screens and in your ear.

Here are some things I love

Grandchildren  – these two are already best buddies and it brings me such joy to be a part of their lives.

I love to cook, to create something delicious my family will enjoy.  I believe there is much important communication and bonding over a good meal shared together. I learned this from the women in my family – my Grandmother Elsie, my Aunt Virginia, my mom.   I believe the effort is so important, to bring the family together to sit down for meals.  I always insisted on it when we were raising our children, even when we had crazy schedules with work and school and sports, etc.   I was surprised to find out many of my kids friends families did not do this, it was actually a rare occasion.

I also love  trying new recipes and eating  those yummy things, LOL.  Hence some extra pounds. I love a good cookbook and  have a plethora of them – here are a few recipes I’ve tried and loved recently from Trisha Yearwood’s second cookbook –

Trisha Yearwood’s Baked Bean Casserole – This can be a side or a meal, it’s hearty enough ( think chili)    link to recipe  HERE   

Now, ham salad usually makes me gag. But, the Mr. loves it. LOVES it.  So when I saw a recipe in Ms. Yearwood’s book and she raved about it, I said to myself –  you know, you oughta just make the effort for the guy, Karen. See if it’s doable.   Welp.  It’s more than doable – I actually love it! and it’s so easy to throw together – so tasty.   Who knew!?

  Uncle Marshal’s Ham Salad  ******************* 

3 cups ground or finely diced fully cooked ham (about 14 ounces)

1 teaspoon finely chopped sweet Vidalia onion

2 teaspoons sweet pickle relish

1/2 cup mayonnaise

Combine ham, onion, relish, mayonnaise and mustard in bowl. Serve salad on crackers or in sandwich.


I also love making healthy food choices to help this aging body.  One of my favorite breakfasts is a simple smoothy, I just throw everything in a blender and drink it up – Spinach, Honey, blueberries, banana, a dash of yogurt, a few ice cubes.  Delicious and it’s doing your body some good.

Who doesn’t love fresh produce out of a garden – I’m dreaming of the bounty we’ll enjoy out of our  gardens this summer, and the kitchen herb garden we are planning to build off the kitchen slider/porch. Instead of walking up the hill to the big vegetable/berry garden near the barn, I can grab what I need right outside the kitchen porch as I’m cooking.  Last year we used a galvanized tub, the kind used for livestock watering, and it was OK for that purpose, but in the ground is better. Perhaps a raised bed.  More on that later.

My recovery from hysterectomy is going well, I love when that happens!  I’m back to most of my regular chores and life activities with the exception of lifting very heavy things. A few more weeks of caution and I’m good to go.

I hope all is well in your world, and that you love on yourself as needed.  That’s just as important as anything else and we tend to forget this, often.


Image by  Jane Newland, an artist who’s work I love 

Till soon –




A Snow Day


Years ago we’d get many of these through the course of a New England winter.  Now, not so much.   It makes life easier for my guys, because they’re responsible for a lot of snow plowing, and it makes life easier for me when it comes to the barn chores for sure…. but… one can’t help but wonder what it means for our climate in general.  Our shorelines are being decimated every time we have a storm of any kind, seaside cottages, homes, beaches being washed away, roads and basements flooding  as the water rises and the winds/rains become  more harsh.

Today is the first real snow we’ve had of the season and it is beautiful.  The dogs rejoiced as they ran out into it at 5 am this morning, and then quickly retreated once business was done because brrrrr.

Everyone and their brother, third cousin and Great Aunt Evelyn and her neighbor were out grocery shopping yesterday due to the prediction of heavy snow, including the grands, who met up in the baby food Aisle with their moms in tow.  They recognized each other immediately with smiles and giggles.

We met with the wedding coordinators at the facility for my girl’s wedding  and  they are such a lovely group of people, this is such a relief. They helped me herd all the cats –  planning a wedding is such a big undertaking nowadays and I’m not experienced with these things at all.     I thank you for your suggestions on which dress I’ll wear, and it was unanimous – so I decided to go with dress B.   Below is the 1902 mansion where the ceremony and reception will be held, a lovely old sea captains home by the sea, a simple ceremony to be held on the back lawn if weather permits. This mansion has not been updated in a very long time, so it has the old world charm still intact, which I love.


Regarding the orange scream,  that piece of shit is still giving Putin high fives , all he talks about are the revenges he will execute, no regard for the law and so far has yet to be held solidly accountable.  He jumbles words just as much as the other old man some want to disparage, even jumbles history!  and lies outright, over and over again.   Now  and once again attacking  yet another military man, this time his opponent’s husband, for being “absent” as she campaigns- the man is DEPLOYED, something he would have no understanding of as he was a draft dodging cadet bone spurs. And where is Maleficent?   Nowhere near him. She’s not stupid, I’ll give her that. This country deserves so much better –  I pray for all of us every day, that someone of strength and integrity and vitality and ability to lead comes on the scene and saves our sorry ass government before it’s too late. It almost feels too late, we are so far down this divided rabbit hole of untruths and unbridled fury.  This is no longer about “policy”, of which I hold a mixed bag.   It’s about decency, humanity, security, democracy.

Sadly in this house we have never been more divided than we are in the current political atmosphere.  As an unaffiliated voter, I try to keep an open mind and vote according to what I believe are our most pressing needs at each election.  The husband is a staunch Republican.  Which hasn’t been a significant problem until such a raging narcissistic asshole took control of his party.  Now if I see Faux news on in the man cave, I walk back out.

*Sigh… it is what it is.


Till soon, friends – May sanity and peace ultimately prevail.