130 Steps


 That’s how many steps it takes to get from my side door to the tack room at the barn.  I’m cracking up and I am truly touched by my fellow bloggers concern over the distance I must travel to get from house to barn and back again.  I was compelled to go out and count tonight,  just so ya know.

    This is how I see it….  If I can’t walk 130 steps to and from the barn to feed, muck, water, what-have-you… then I have no business building a barn again, now, do I?   I need the exercise!!… You see…  I’m gonna brag here for a minute, and I really never brag because it just isn’t me – I’m nothing special and I’m not even gonna try to fool you.  But… I have always been in decent shape due to the amount of barn work I’ve done over the years. All you horse people out there know what I’m talking about.   (Ofcourse, I can also thank these chores for my awesome back and neck aches and pains too – yeah, there’s that ).  I’m sure I’ve paid my  chiropractor’s boat payments because of my barn chore history.

    Anyway… for the past two years I have become a slug, a SLUG I tell you.. because I have NOT had to walk to the barn and do those chores.  Nooo… someone ELSE has been doing that for me on another farm! Oh, I enjoyed the reprieve, but I also missed my horses in the backyard and muscle tone has started to head South.   So it’s time to kick this behind back into shape, and those 130 steps are gonna help.

  Now if we have another winter like the one we had this past year… 
well let’s not go there. 
I have a question for the barn buddies among us… 
How many steps is YOUR barn from the house?  

22 thoughts on “130 Steps”

  1. ha ha! now you've got me curious! 🙂

    i think about this alot. during rainy days, snowing, icy, freezing days, 105 degree days. just how often would i get my butt out of the house and outside if i didn't have my horses and barn cat to tend to twice a day. and i'm not a 'stable' kind of horse person – i don't groom them daily and tuck them into individual stalls. my gelding gets put up in a paddock overnight just to keep him from eating 24/7 and foundering, but my mare has free pasture all the time but spends most of the night in the barn next to her fella. but if i didn't have these barn kids to attend to, would i even venture outside more than just letting the dogs in/out and in/out again? i think not. i'd get really lax. and i'm lax as it is… 🙂

  2. 50 Steps!!! I counted. Side Door to Alleyway

    I've just put my gelding down and am facing an empty stall out there though. Hearing DH's horse calling for his friend is making it even worse.

    You are so right about the barn chores. Wheeling manure, tossing hay etc is good for the muscles.

  3. I'm thinking you need a winter barn also, that is maybe 10 steps from your kitchen coffee pot.Just saying.

  4. i dont have barn and my home is so small it wont take a 100 steps to walk around it! But I have counted steps from home to work, ad I usually walk… 1500.

  5. *snicker*
    Hmmm. I think it's more than 130 steps. Quite a long path. No biggie.
    When I was in high school and college my Mom always wished I kept my room as neat and clean as the barn. Ha!
    Here's to our behinds, Karen!
    xo, misha

  6. No barn, but I do get my much-needed exercise when I walk the shore for that perfect shell to add to my collection. Oh, and I have to clean the beaches while I'm there. Does that count?


  7. I don't know how many steps it is, but I DO know that it's 500 feet from my house to the barn. A few years ago, when I was installing the irrigation in the rose field, I uncoiled a 500' roll of tubing to let it heat up and soften in the sun so it would be easier to work with. I started at the corner of the house, weighting the end of the tube down with a brick, and I ran out of tubing just past the front corner of the barn. It's this distance that makes me think twice (or three times) before giving into the urge to add livestock to this old place.

  8. Well I don't have a barn, but I just put on a pedometer and while I was at Sams club I logged 980 steps! LOL!!!

    OK, this comment has nothing to do with this post, but I have GMA on in the background and they just said Snookie makes $100,000.00 (one-hundred grand) an episode! What the heck is wrong here…

  9. I'll have to count the steps to my barn & get back to you on that. But today since I've been up, I've walked 3,349 steps because I went up and down the mountain with the dogs! I think that's pretty good for a 63 yr old…:)JP

  10. So funny because here in the north we have had some wicked winters in the past few years….I LOVE LOVE the New England barns that are connected right to the house, separated by a tool or machinery room. I always think about winter..I want the animals close to me…"just in case"…haha!

    No matter…It is going to be lovey…buy a snow mobile for the winter…or keep snow shoes, or cross country skis by the back door…

  11. …no barn but I know that I cannot maintain my weight without my daily walks…that reminds me that I haven't walked in days due to this nasty weather! Guess you have to work in the barn rain or shine!

  12. Ohhh, no barn in my backyard, in fact I can't even have a shed of any sort. But the barn mice, well now, those we can have plenty of 🙂

  13. Ok..I counted…it is 20 steps to where the hay and feed is, then 80 steps to the stall. (not a barn just a stall) But then I have to go back to the hay/feed area and get the feed for the chickens…that is about 50 steps to the chickens. And then also 20 steps to water for them and back. Nothing is together on this property…it is all separated and I am walking back and forth for a good 20 minutes not counting cleaning the corral and stall..and then there is the storing and disposing of the manure…(another story) which is in another area…chickens are easy in the winter…if I prepare ahead I can even let them go a day or two if we have a heavy snow, although next fall I will have a dozen (5 old 5 new) so I might have to check them more often because they will be more crowed.
    I DO wish I had some sort of snow mobile in the winter..or snow shoes..I think snow shoes next year…I count it all as exercise! haha!
    You have a straight line to walk..that's great..and everything in one place…not so bad.
    What do you have to do with the manure where you are? I hate our regulations but our sanitation pick up is being nice lately and will take a few bags if the are small..still, that's is at the front of the house…
    Keeps ya young I always say…

  14. I don't have a barn, but I do have a playhouse… I'm too lazy to go count the steps tonite but will go do it tomorrow and let you know. 🙂


  15. More steps than a football field, end to end…do I win the prize? -LOL-
    Yeah, it's a ton of work, keeping a farm, horses, sheep, dogs, hay…but I love it and wouldn't trade it for a NY penthouse!
    My manure goes on the garden, sheep and horse. I've got a composter and a compost pile but that's mainly for weeds.

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