24 thoughts on “16 days”

  1. i think their father was jack nicholson….doesn't the one alone on the fence look just like him. well at least his eyebrows do 🙂

  2. I love to watch birds too. I am enjoying all the little feathered ones feeding every day at our hanging seed feeders!
    This is such a pretty photographic journal.
    Love it Karen!

  3. Awwww… I am kind of sad. I loved seeing them grow! I love the last shot of the one out of the nest! Perfect! What kind of camera are you using? Love how sharp these are!!

  4. You're so priviliged to have been able to follow the little ones hatching and growing up. Those fluffy bits on its head are too cute. A very big smile from me and I hope they all grow up safely into great parents themselves 😉

  5. Can you imagine how hard the parent Robins worked to catch the bugs to bring the food to fuel this rate of growth! I love the photo of the baby sitting on the fence. What a perfect example of Bird Hair!

  6. Seriously- you're killing me with these photos! The one where his little feathers are sticking up in tufts on his head? I love seeing the speckled chests emerge too 🙂 But 16 days huh, hows a mother supposed to stomach that?

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