And so, my girl turns twenty one. 

Seems like just yesterday we were heading out of those big glass hospital doors, you safely tucked in your car seat dressed in way too much clothing. If I had my way there would have been bubble wrap too, and all cars would have been ordered off the streets until we got you safely home.  I remember thinking to myself ..” Are they really letting me out of here with this tiny little baby?….I’m going to be trusted with this little life all by myself, without a nurse nearby just in case?  What if I make a mistake? “ 

 I’m sure I’ve made mistakes, but there has been so much joy and love along the way, and it’s been my privilege and pleasure to have raised such a wonderful human being.  You have taught ME a few lessons in courage, strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. 

Dad and I are so proud of all you have accomplished, and we look forward to witnessing the wonderful life you have ahead of you….

Happy 21st Birthday to our Bean, Cookie, the doo, Kristabell, Cookie Crumb…   

21 lessons of life, learning and love

Originally written by Cheryl-Anne Millsap

1. Learn to forgive. Hurtful things are going to happen to you. Learn to let it go. Carrying a grudge is like trying to climb Mount Everest with a boulder in your backpack. It weighs you down and holds you back.

2. Say “I love you” and say “I’m sorry.” These really are the magic words. Learn when to say them, say them often, and mean it when you say them.

3. Be a child. Open your eyes every morning like you are opening them for the first time. Look closely at the world around you and find your place in it.

4. Never stop learning. Whenever you can, turn off the television and pick up a book. Take a class. Learn another language. Try something new. Travel. Explore the world around you. Exercise your mind.

5. Use what you’ve learned. You came into this world as helpless as any creature could be. But, by now, you should have most of the tools you’ll need to survive and thrive. Make good use of them.

6. Lose your ego. You won’t miss it.

7. Ask questions and question the answers. When you get the chance, ask a question. Search for the answers and when you think you’ve found them, look again.

8. Listen. Listen to music, to the birds and to the voices of people all around you. Listen to what they say and to what they aren’t saying. Listen to the little voice inside you.

9. Never lose your self respect. It’s the one thing you can take with you.

10. Hold a baby. Even if you never have one of your own, hold a baby in your arms now and then. Cradle them. Breathe the scent of a newborn. Think about the people who held you.

11. Practice gratitude. Look around you and count your blessings. Count them again.

12. Mind your manners. Make the world a kinder, gentler, place. And for heaven’s sake chew with your mouth closed.

13. Get a job. Learn the value of hard work. You don’t have to be rich or famous or powerful. You don’t have to play sports or be a movie star. Just do what you love and do it well.

14. Make friends but choose them carefully. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Avoid those who want to drag you down.

15. Take a leap of faith. Sometimes, that’s all you can do.

16. Give until it hurts. Spend time with those you love. Share your thoughts and dreams. Give a little back to those who need it more than you do.

17. Learn the difference in fashion and style. Fashion is what looks good at the moment. Style is what fits you forever.

18. Try something new. Don’t be afraid of change. Break out of a rut. When you get too comfortable, stretch a little to see what happens.

19. Hold onto tradition. Hold onto your history by keeping at least one tradition alive. Cook the family mac and cheese recipe. Tell old stories again and again.

20. Reach out and touch someone. Hold a hand. Give a kiss. Hug someone who needs it.

21. Never forget. Remember that you are loved with a love that knows no bounds.

Count on that.

19 thoughts on “21”

  1. Turning 21, now that is a milestone, one that really gets you thinking.
    I can relate so well to what you wrote about leaving the hospital…and what are all these other cars doing on the road?
    It's scary.
    But it looks like you guys have done a wonderful job.
    And what a cutie.

  2. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! And thank you for the 21 lessons list – I found it to be very powerful and oh so true.


  3. What a dark haired beauty she is. Had no idea you had a daughter that age. Lucky you!

    And speaking of dark… love the 'dark feeling' header today!


  4. Happiest of birthdays to your daughter and happy motherhood day to you. I am having a hard time dealing with 15 this week… I can't wrap my head around the idea of 21!

  5. Oh how wonderful to have such a beautiful 21 year old. There is just something so special about our daughters "coming of age". Sweet hugs to YOU too, Mom…you brought her this far…Diana

  6. Wonderful post Karen! Happy, Happy Birthday to your little girl!!! I agree with you about the bubble wrap! And when we got home….I never wanted to leave!!

  7. Happy Birthday Kristin!!!!It's been a pleasure knowing you. I love your smile and your awesome attitude. Hope your day was great.xxxxxx

    PS – and happy "birth" day to you too my friend! I loveeeeeee you!!!!

  8. Whenever my birthday comes around I always think it is much a day for celebrating my mother as it is for me…Happy Birthday to your daughter….and Congratulations to you:)

    I will be printing out those 21 lessons!

  9. Beautiful sentiments for a beautiful daughter. Happy 21st to her. I also remember when we took our first baby home from the hospital all bundled up and looking so, so, teeny in her car seat. My husband and I looked at each other and said, "Can you believe they're really gonna let US take this baby home?"

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