He thinks it’s funny

  The manchild was giggling when I came in from the barn last night all soggy from the rain. He and grown daughter were talking about WHEN THEY MOVE OUT.  They saw me coming down the hill from the barn and I guess I looked forlorn.    I wasn’t, just so ya know. It was raining and muddy and I dumped a water bucket down my leg by mistake.   Do you know how wet jeans and a boot full of water feel when it’s 38 degrees out at dusk and your teeth are already chattering from the raw damp misery that swirls around you and the damn chickens won’t get in their coop without issues? 

  So anyway.. they weren’t laughing about that.   No.. they were wondering what good ole MOM is going to do once they do move out.  My dear son said to me… “Mom.. you oughta start thinking about getting a hobby or open a store again or something… you know… to fill the time you use right now to do all that stuff for us.   I’m probably going to have to come home from college now and then just to give you something to do.”     I love him, I do.


  But you know… it’s not like there isn’t a grain of truth in that little speech there… I have plenty of hobbies and chores and little jobs here and there, thank you very much… but perhaps it’s time to start thinking about what I might be able to do next.  NEXT.     Although I kinda like the job I have now.  I haven’t asked to give it up. It’s just inevitable that it’s going to change some.

  It’s been raining/snowing/sleeting here at This Old House for two days now…some would say downright dreary.  I happen to be enjoying it because we are all here under the same roof, waiting out the rain together, meandering through uneventful,  unhurried evenings.   I’ll soak up every drop of that.

He’d make a really cool cowboy, don’t ya think?

He also told me not to DARE put this pic on the blog.

I’ll be cleaning tack tonight… it was GREEN when I pulled it out of the tack closet
to ride the other day. That’s how damp this winter has been.
As for the birthday boy  – I failed at summoning the  Italian fiat commercial model
for my husband’s leap year birthday….but I’m not totally heartless.
 He got his Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue among other gifts.


Days spent together…
you never know how many you’ve got..
so enjoy every one. 
Rain related… One of my favorite sayings….
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass….
it’s about learning how to get out there and dance in the rain.

Isn’t that just the truth.  

21 thoughts on “He thinks it’s funny”

  1. That last saying…so true indeed! I can't wait for the day I can "get out there and dance in the rain"!!! Ha, your son…gotta love him! Sweet cowboy hat…

  2. Love ya, Karen…. and I'll be waiting to see what you take on next in life… A store would be great if this crazy economy ever turns around.

  3. Karen, You are so right-we need to enjoy each and every moment…savor it and squeeze every drop of love out of it that you can.

    Don't you LOVE how your kids automatically assume that without them around you don't have a life?;>) I think my kids had my grandkids just so they could give good old Mom "something to do". xo Diana

  4. You are so spot on…enjoy every minute. It sounds so cliche to say they grown up so fast, but it's true.
    As for that cake – oh my! Save me a piece, please!

  5. I love the saying at the end !!! With all that's going on I'm been thinking alot about time we spend together!!! P.s I promise I didn't laugh about u spilling the water on you 🙂

  6. What a great post! I laughed that your son is worried about you having something to do when he moves out. My kids have been moving out now for years and as each one goes I think, OMG what am I gonna do without them? Then I paint, or blog, or take a nap and I realize that after 35 years of mothering my own kids and a few others, I'm due to retire! I'm doing all the things I said I'd do when the kids move out. You tell your son he just doesn't need to worry about you because I have a feeling you will figure out lots of ways to stay happy, busy!

  7. My nest has never been empty! I started dreading it when youngest daughter was about 7 or 8 yrs. old. But there is too much to do–probably because I am still working (boo hoo). I want to work from home doing what I want to for a change! Don't get a REAL job because you will have no time for yourself!

  8. It's difficult to think about my "next life", when our little guys grow up and move on, but with that arched window of yours, it looks like you'll have the perfect perch to choose your next move! Beautiful!!

  9. Every time I think I have an empty nest, somebody comes back home. 🙂

    So, is today little Mike's birthday? LOVE his hat!

    And, yeah girl you are a busy one; I don't think you'll have any trouble at all filling your time.

  10. I was thinking of my comment response as I was reading… and then I saw the dental floss bikini! I guess I just don't get it, because I think she would look better with MUCH MORE covered.

  11. As if you'd have nothing to do.
    But just in case: you could use it as an excuse to rescue one or two dogs, get some sweet Jersey cows, a couple of goats, perhaps another horse or two? I'm full of great ideas like that you know 😉

    I just last week cleaned our tack again too, for the same reason. Yuck.
    The cake and pizzas made my mouth water, which makes no sense at all because I just had breakfast :-/

  12. Wow Karen, they are really growing up. Love the cowboy hat. So grown up and who could resist not showing that great shot.

    Hope your weather improves soon. I'm shaking from that cold water on your jeans….

  13. I'm dealing with my oldest prepping for heading off to college. It's overwhelming at times. The other day I told him not to turn in his wrestling singlet because he'd need it for his senior pictures… then I snuck away and had a good cry.

  14. If you were to open a store, and I was lucky to live on the coast, I'd beg beg you to hire me to work with you. What fun!

    I kinda like the bikini! Motivation is how I see it.

    That looked like a perfect evening.

  15. Oh you are SO right! The departure of the kids brings a lot of changes but I've got a feeling that you'll be just fine!
    I do miss having their bodies draped over every piece of furniture in my living room and seeing them rummage through the refrigerator!
    Your pizza looked delicious and Va-voom!!! that is some SI cover!

  16. What a delicious weekend, and I'm not just talking about that gorgeous cake! Love having my chicks underfoot, they are grown now with families of their own and I still think of them as chicks! Now I have grandchicks but they are all just chicks, under my wing…

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