Gone baby Gone

  The snow came and went. Two days ago, the winds and air were stinging cold to any exposed flesh. This morning I’m out without a coat, horses blankets removed too.. mud everywhere.   What would Al Gore say?

I should have been a geologist… I love rocks.  And trees.

17 thoughts on “Gone baby Gone”

  1. Your horses look quite pleased to be outside munching their hay. I try to feed smaller amounts to the donkeys when the property is wet and muddy because so much gets wasted. That means, of course, I have to go out and feed more often but that's okay. With our hay at $22.50 a bale, the waste gets pretty costly.

  2. I don't know what Al would say, but I say you're an awesome photographer!

    Hope you have a great day; it looks to be one! 🙂

  3. Hard to believe what the weather is like this winter. It is cold here but we don't have hardly any snow…we usually have a 2-3 foot base this time of year. Your horse looks pretty happy! xo Diana

  4. Al would have to finish writing his check to pay his $30,000 a month electric bill for his home. I am serious! How sad is that! Gorgeous photos as always!!!

  5. Amazing, snow covered on day, autumn the next. Something wierd with the weather these days. You mentioned geologist… after watching Al Gores DVD I was totally convinced about Global Warming. I have a friend who IS a geologist, and isn't buying the Global warming thing ( climate change yes, but for a different reason) and I went to her and said, "Ah ha, what do you say now"..that Al Gore spelled it all out for us? She said, "When we're in the office and want a laugh, we put on the Al Gore DVD and crack up." I thought that interesting.

  6. I know, this is one wacky winter! I'm glad the snow is gone, but my kids are soooo bummed! January is flying by and that's just fine with me!

  7. I know…right?? We have had the strangest weather!! Yesterday I had a spring coat on…not even zipped! Today, my winter coat and I was still freezing!! I wonder if we will get a freakin' ton of snow in like March…or April??

  8. Crazy weather, here too! It's the mildest winter we've had in ages. I still have an old rock collection from when I was a kid!

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