The Glamorous Life

 Snow… finally.  This is the scene out my office window early this morning, looking over to my neighbor’s house.  Lots of charm, we’re lucky to see that across the way.
I often hear that I’m living someone’s dream at This Old House…
and I get it… it was always mine, too.
I do feel blessed.
There are some realities that come with the package… mornings like this.. when it’s cold and wet outside
and I’d rather stay under the covers with a nice cuppa joe on the nightstand
and a good book in hand.
The farm doesn’t care, it has things that need attending to…
and attend.. I do.
…sometimes still in my PJ’s.
The chickens didn’t want to come out this morning.
It’s only the second time they’ve seen snow.
First was in October, when it shouldn’t have been there anyway.
By the time I had the horses fed, they figured out the treats
were out in that white stuff, so they better get over it.
This is their oatmeal, they are spoiled for sure…
I trudge up to the barn to grain, hay, water and turn out…
..and the mucking of stalls, ah the joys.
But there is something calming and rhythmic in the carrying out of chores..
and it keeps your weight down. Big plus.
I gained twenty pounds in the two year period where horses were
boarded out and This Old House was being made fit to live in.
I lost those lbs again once farm chores commensed.
I’d rather be doing this than pounding rubber in a noisey gym.
It’s all good 🙂  
These cold mornings are the times I tell myself…
you DO like doing this.. . Really!
Pass the coffee, would ya?  Light, no sugar.

27 thoughts on “The Glamorous Life”

  1. Its true- we see the beauty of your world but not always the daily chores that are a must to keep it all working! Chores in the pjs, is their any other way? Lol 🙂

  2. What a beautiful view especially covered in snow!

    I'm with you on losing weight by doing chores rather than in a gym. There is so much more satisfaction in it!

    Chickens are funny creatures… such scaredy cats! Oatmeal? What a great idea! Is it cooked and warm when the chickens get it? I'm assuming it's just plain old fashioned oats? I thought about cooking up some rice for the girls (because I tons of it) but the oatmeal sounds good too.

  3. Love the oic of neighbors house its looks like a post card. I think the boots match the PJ s just fine! !! Haha . Have a great snow day.

  4. I think I'm too lazy for your dream life, but I do love seeing your pictures. I'm having a hard time adjusting to going out in the rain and snow to walk the new puppy…I believe I've been spoiled. I'm used to only going from house to garage to car on bad days!

  5. I KNOW I don't have your energy, but I definitely agree with you that it's better doing what you are doing than going to a gym. All for the love of animals! Gosh I love ya!


  6. I don't know why, but this post reminds me of Little House on The Prairie 'cept you have beautiful home. Yeah, you'd have fit right in! 🙂

    LOVE the pics, so different from what we're used to. Oh, and can I come and do chores with you? I've gained wayyyy too many pounds. 🙂

  7. Maybe I need a farm to do some chores and drop some of this darn weight! Ha! I don't envy you the work. I grew up on a farm and it is hard work. It is never ending, but like you said, there is a ritual to it that can be very soothing. Love the jammies! Hey, what is that white stuff on the ground? 🙂

  8. I've experienced these moments and my heart is filled with gratitude for them. Thank you for sharing yours.
    You have a beautiful home and heart. I'll be returning.

  9. Sometimes I imagine living in town, husband comes home from work, nothing is broken down and all the spare time we have. That's what I tell myself. baha! I think your days get filled up no matter what—-and the snow just makes it all a lil more adventuresome…that's what my mama used to tell me anyway.

    Your nieghbour's place is FULL OF CHARM. I love the look of that cozy photo. I think you should creep around in the parts where you live and take random neighbour's yard's photos and post em. Is that legal? I'd love it! 🙂

  10. Amazing views! So beautiful in all seasons.
    And to think that I'm complaining about having to trudge outside into my front yard with two pups who refuse to go out unless I accompany them and wait for them to do their business! Really, do they want an audience?!!!
    Some cold and/or rainy mornings, I've been known to cuss!

  11. I remember what it is like to do farm chores. A pleasant chore…but still a chore…and no one is going to do the stuff for you…and you can't NOT do it!

    I hope that you are always able to see the blessing it is to do even those most mundane tasks. xo Diana

  12. wow….you are good and glamourous !!

    honestly, i don't think i have it in me to be out in the cold like that…even for my beloved animals.

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