Goodspeed’s Station Country Store & a History Lesson

 One of my  favorite places to visit this time of year is the Goodspeed’s Station Country Store, found this side of the Connecticut River and East Haddam Bridge across from the Goodspeed Opera House and Gelston House Restaurant.  Both can be seen in the photos below…

There is old fashioned candy and kitchen goods and cookingware….

..and beautiful reproduction prints – like this one.
So New England… It’s titled “A Smart Turn-out” – original artist unknown!

Oreo says hello –

Speaking of prints… do you see George Washington kneeling in prayer?
More on that below…

 There are too many wonderful gifts to list here… candles and soaps and furniture, antique pieces, greenery, placemats, bits of humor here and there…pillows and cards and glasswork and ornaments…

Adorable snowmen round a fire…
If I were still making lists for Santa, this would be on it…

Bite your tongue.

So back to George. 
I was drawn to this reproduction print immediately…something in it’s deep hues
and deeper  meaning… and the horse if I’m being honest.
The owner of Goodspeeds Station told me alittle about the print and I googled the rest…
 According to  original artist Arnold Friberg’s website..
“The picture you see here was painted to recall that winter of 1777-78, at the lowest, most hopeless and discouraging time in our revolutionary war. For the struggling Americans had been defeated by the mighty British army in battle after battle, and were fast losing all hope. It was at such a time that General Washington humbly beseeched his God for the strength and the resolution to endure.
 “The Prayer at Valley Forge” was painted to serve the cause of liberty, to remind Americans of the deep spiritual roots of our beloved country, to recall a place of cold, and pain and sacrifice, to pay tribute to the tall and lonely man who alone held the struggling nation together, General Washington, driven to his knees there in the bitter snows of Valley Forge. “
Recently appraised at $12 million, the original is now on display at Historic Mount Vernon.
Arnold Friberg with his original work 

Mike has never been fond of the prints I placed over the main mantle in the
keeping room of This Old House. When I saw this print I immediately thought
he would like it because of it’s historical meaning.
 And so, it’s an early Christmas present.  What do you think?


America is at yet another crossroads…we are once again struggling. 
What would George do?  

20 thoughts on “Goodspeed’s Station Country Store & a History Lesson”

  1. I love country stores I was at my favorite one this weekend. One of the cool things about this one is they have a counter on one end of the store and there's rocking chairs and all the old mountain guys are there and you can ask for like 25cents worth of cheese and 50cents worth of bolongna and crackers and I sat and talked to the old guys while Mandy and boys Christmas shopping. I wish the world was still like that.

  2. Oh I could spend all day in that store! And that print look wonderful…tho I'm still laughing about the horse!! I also loved the peek I had of the print of the man skating…love Christmas!!!

  3. Karen, I couldn't see all the photo's for some reason tonight. But, oh goodness, I love stores like that and could spend hours.

    And, yes "bite your tongue". LOL

  4. We have that " George Washington praying" print also. It's hung in our den for years. My husband loves it! I'm sure yours will be thrilled, as well.

  5. I would LOVE that store! That cat, Oreo, looks exactly like my old cat, Minnie Mouse!! Hope Mike likes the print…I do! Looks fabulous there!! This store is very similar to one we had here in town. Sadly, it went out of business a couple of years ago…I was SO sorry to see it go. They actually had EIGHT small Main Street businesses close in the next town over from us. I feel so badly for the little guy these days.

  6. over the top post! I will admit I scrolled over the photos not just to see but the third time was for the music. I think we all could follow George's lead and pray.

  7. That store looks like my kind of place! Love all your photos of it.

    So, what did Mike think? If he doesn't love it, I'll be shocked.

    PS: I don't know if even George could fix all this mess. I can picture him doing a lot more praying.

  8. That's always been one of my favorite paintings. Could be because one of my Daddy's Mothers' Grandfathers served with Washington.
    That was a lovely visit 'round the store; wish I could visit in person. Thanks, Karen!

  9. I've always loved that painting. The humble George Washington asking for help and protection of his men and their cause. It's beautiful over your mantle. What a fun store to go to! I gotta tell you, I love all the pictures you took, especially the railroad one. Awesome!

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