34 thoughts on “snapshot sunday”

  1. Did you make those cinnamon buns from scratch? Haaaaa. I have a recipe for Vanilla Pudding Cinnamon Buns that has been staring at me all week. Sigh…

  2. Oh, man…. cinnamon rolls! I have no self control when it comes to baked good, and homemade or not, they look delicious!

  3. Gorgeous photos! The horses, the ponies, the tree and leaves, the children, and YOU, Karen!

    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Working full time now so I have few opportunities to visit my favorite blogs these days.

    Hugs to you.

  4. Wow, you are one heck of a photographer! The little horses, craning to look over the wall, you can even see the whites of their eyes as they try so hard. The dog yawning – hysterical. All beautiful photos.

  5. I can tell these are pictures of the things you love. Those sweet little animal heads peeping over the stone wall. They are so furry! Your horses are beautiful and your pasture is a beautiful laminitis green (like mine – do you monitor pasture time?).

  6. I can tell these are pictures of the things you love. Those sweet little animal heads peeping over the stone wall. They are so furry! Your horses are beautiful and your pasture is a beautiful laminitis green (like mine – do you monitor pasture time?).

  7. When I look at these pictures of your kids, I wonder if Mike had anything to do with them… They look so much like you… and what a great Sunday post!

  8. What a great series…. each one worthy of standing on it's own. Just awesome together!
    If one of your adorable minis comes up missing, you'll know where to look! I could be there in a day with my trailer to take the pesky things off your hands! 🙂

  9. Id like to wish everyone whose blog that i visit a happy Thanksgiving to you and your family's, and thank you for being a reader to mine. Richard from Amish Stories.

  10. Great photos. Love the one of the two little ones looking over the wall. And the ones of Ben (that's the Great Dane isn't it?) are so funny. He has a great face.
    And that last one is a real 'feel good' photo too. Luvly 😉

  11. What beautiful photos Karen! Looks like you enjoyed the last few warm days we've been lucky to get… love the new pics of you and Opie… have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!

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