
 We have a family of young red tail  hawks living around this old house.  Frequently I see them gliding through the fields, perched in the trees, sometimes five at a time.  They’ve got their eye on my chickens, I know this for sure.  My husband hears them late at night, screeching in the trees over the house.  We finally figured out through research what the noise was.

I’ve been trying to get photos of them, but they remain elusive when I show up with the camera.

  He settled for three minutes to swallow a mouse on Mrs. N.’s fence on the hill.
This is as close as he’d let me get.

12 thoughts on “Elusive”

  1. You got a pretty good shot of him/her. We have gazillions of hawks in our area, but (knock wood) they have never come after our chickens. I'm not sure why, maybe because of the mega-gazillion ground squirrels. Sounds like you will need hawk netting in your chicken yard.

  2. There is more safety in numbers, I think. Any raptors are more likely to attack a single one out free ranging.
    Funny, I've never heard of them screaching at night. Maybe they are just talking to each other. I know they don't hunt at night. They have poor eyesight in the dark.

  3. Beautiful shots! In addition to the chickens, I'd be concerned for the smaller dogs, too. Ben can definitely take care of himself.

  4. I love birds of flight. They always sit on the end of the pier a the pond and then they swoop down after something and off they go. I love your pictures of them.

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