You can’t make this stuff up

    The significant other went to the motor vehicle department here in Connecticut the other day to fill out registration paperwork.  When it came his turn to fill in some forms, he naturally went for the pen.  You know.. the kind that are attached to a string, stuck to the table?   All three on the forms table where dried up.  So he went to the counter to ask for a pen that writes. 

He said:   None of your pens on the form table are working, can I have a pen to fill out these forms?

She said:  I’m sorry, we don’t lend pens anymore. You’ll have to buy one over there at the pen machine for 50 cents.

He said:   Are ya kiddin?  I have to BUY a pen to fill out your forms?

She said:   That’s the way they’re doing things nowadays around here, sorry.

Other customer said to Him:   You can borrow my pen….. for 20 cents!

So, you Connecticut folks….. next time you have to head over to MV, make sure you bring a working pen.  Or two quarters for the machine.  Apparently.

29 thoughts on “You can’t make this stuff up”

  1. Are you kidding me!
    Good golly. You pay some of the highest taxes in the US if you live in CT, and they want you to buy your own pen to fill out THEIR forms? I would writing to be my state rep and then let them know they owe those many citizens back the 50cents they spent!
    Just when I think I have heard it all…..

    At least a kind soul shared!
    xo, misha

  2. That would be a little funny if it wasn't so insane.

    I try to always have my own pen. I don't want to touch the ones everyone else has touched.

  3. You are actually lucky there were forms to fill out! I went to the DMV for a my daughter's permit test and there were NO MORE FORMS. You actually had to print them out yourself and bring them along… Luckily, the woman in front of me had printed out two, so we didn't have to go back home. I just love the DMV.

  4. Get out of town!!! I can't believe that. I've got to go in the other room and tell my husband about this it's so darn crazy. I agree with Snappy, I'm going to start carrying a crayon with me!

  5. I'm not EVEN going to tell you what they charge in NY!!

    Seriously…it is easier to do it online. If it's possible…that's the way I do it!

    Freakin' unbelievable!!

  6. Karen, if you made this up no one would believe you. I think they want you to do everything on-line these days. The post office in Florida is always out of "forward mail" cards. Do it on-line they say, but they charge you there. Are we going to eliminate all humans sooner or later?

  7. Hmmm, apparently we can now add "going DMV" to "going postal". And the so called government employees wonder why they are hated?!
    Yeah, there's an oxymoron…government worker.

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