The View

There’s a dreary rain falling
on one of my favorite events of the season..
The Durham Fair.

 candy apples!   fried dough!  The Lions club Corndogs!
 craft tents! The tractor pulls! (um, no not really)
The chickens, cows, goats!
Last year REO Speedwagon, tonight KC & the Sunshine band!!

Do I curse the rain?
Or do I get out there and dance in it…
Every single one of us knows
life will toss you lemons now and then.
And maybe even rocks. Big ones.
How we deal with those lemons and rocks..
says a lot about who we are…
Changes our life experience, even.
When faced with the metaphorical rainy day
do you still look for the beauty?

It’s there in the simplest of things….

So how about you….
are you taking the time to notice…
or are you just forging ahead,
making your way through.
I’ve noticed lately
that I’m doing too much forging,
not enough noticing.
It’s one of the things we do have the power to change…
our view.
And what a difference it can make.

25 thoughts on “The View”

  1. yep, you have found the secret to surviving the rainy day.. I know them well as I live in the PNW (pacific northwest). look under a rock, fascinating things are under there! You'll never look at rocks in the rain in the same way again.

  2. i like to think i "notice" all the time….

    but life has a way of pushing us, or making us push ourselves which ultimately, unfortunately, makes us miss many of the things we should be seeing……


  3. I am much more of a detail person than a big picture person…it is the simple things I love….

    That being said I don't think I could handle a country fair in the rain anymore…just not fun:(

  4. Normally I dance in the rain, but it's been gray here almost all month now. Not sure I feel like dancing today. Just want a bit of sunshine, even if only for one day.

  5. It's that full plate syndrome that keeps us from noticing the little stuff. Do you ever notice Mother Nature puts pretty things in hard to find places sometimes?

  6. Ahh, great message, and I must admit, I am noticing 🙂 Its all there in the tiniest moments and I do my best to not miss much of it. And you captured what could be gloomy, in a really refreshing way!

  7. Good post, Karen, and fabulous photos! Around here, every day is another opportunity to appreciate what we have…each other, our family of humans and animals, friends, the farm…doesn't matter the weather, when we wake up above ground, it's a really good day.
    Lately, we've been slowing down even more; it's taking more and more energy to just keep up. I'm not trying to get ahead, just trying to maintain our daily "new normal".

  8. great mushroom shots!! funny, i read the second to last stanza as "i'm doing too much foraging" and i wondered how that was even possible! 🙂

    i think with climate change, we're going to have to get good at dancing in the rain!


  9. Karen, first, let me thank you for your kind words about my mom – she was extraordinary and will be greatly missed.

    I say, take those lemons and make lemonade, then take the stones and make some beautiful hardscapes with them!

    As you can imagine, it's been a very reflective week for us.

    I think you'll enjoy your fair, despite the rain! 🙂

  10. Absolutely gorgeous photos! I hope you are out dancing in the rain to "do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight…woooo… get down tonight!"

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