Are you a Serial Decorator?

 I come from a line of women who take decorating for the seasons very seriously.  My grandmother Elsie got so into it, at christmas time there were little red bows on the family photos, let alone the tree and trimmings, etc.  I don’t go bow crazy, but I have inherited the decorating gene.  

Over the years I have visited homes where there is no evidence of the season or the impending holiday, and I always find that sad.  Not that there is anything wrong with not decorating… heck, it’s work, it’s clutter, it’s a dust collector.  But there’s something about the “stuff” that warms the heart and hearth.  During one very stressful year a while back, I let the decorating take a back seat to more pressing needs.  Immediately my family started in.  “When are you going to decorate?  How come nothings out? “…..  “Where’s the stuff?”

  I whipped the stuff out for fall today.  Halloween stuff comes out October 1st.   Am I nutz to start this early?  Lakeside Feed in Guilford doesn’t think so.  I went there to inspect some hay today and was delighted to see all their pumpkins.  For those of you who are local, this is a wonderful family business to buy your hay, grain and pet supplies from. They’re located in beautiful North Guilford, farm country.

 My new runner,which I adore.  Some of you might have ironed it before putting it on the table.  That’s where I draw the line.  Or leave them in the cloth. 🙂

 In the mancave I can’t get all feminine, so just a little happens there.

Outside on the front step, I’ve planted chocolate leaf coral bells and vine that will withstand some colder temps, and stuck fake paper lanterns in just because.  I’m not particularly fond of fake flowers, but sometimes they do the trick where you need one.

 Have you gotten your stuff out yet? 

32 thoughts on “Are you a Serial Decorator?”

  1. I noticed our grocery store and also the fresh market both had pumpkins for sale last week-end. As I've aged I find I decorate less and less simply because of the dust factor. Love seeing homes that are all decked out for each season though!

  2. Sadly, no decorations for me anytime soon. All of the "seasonal" tubs of things are boxed and the packing for the move is on in earnest.

    I've even said that I'm not decorating the rental house for Christmas ….. that's a real change for me!

    But just wait til next year when the new house is finished!!!!

  3. Love all your simple touches around. So simple but so elegant. The mantle is gorgeous! I love all those pumpkins in the window. What a neat idea! I haven't yet as it is still in the high 80's/low 90's. I just am not feeling it yet. It was down to 83 this week and I thought it was chilly!!! I usually start with the apples in September and will get around to it. Maybe… I am ready for my Halloween stuff! Girl… ironing is for sissies! No reason for it! Have a great weekend!

    I am a seasonal decorater!

  4. It is still SUMMER here in Arcadia as far as I am concerned! I might get out some fall stuff on Oct 1st but I hang on as long as I can:)

    Meanwhile I absolutely love those pumpkins in the windows…maybe I will do something like that…

  5. Not yet, Karen! I have been so swamped with working and life that I haven't had a chance to drag my "stuff" out yet. But I AM doing it earlier this year than I did last year! It is hard to believe Fall is here already! xo Diana

  6. I'm a sometimes decorator! Although you have inspired me by your gorgeous decorations and this year, I just might do a little decorating! Especially if the cooler temps keep up down here. I'm just afraid it will jump back up to the high 90's right after I get all my 'fall' stuff out! Superstitious? Maybe!

  7. Love that runner, so unique! I have the bug too, have an attic full of decorations for all the seasons. I have put out my fall wreath and have mums in the pots but I don't have the decorations in the house out yet… I am getting old and slow!!! Wish you were my neighbor, I have a feeling that beautiful farm of yours is decked out to the nines! Can't wait to see what else you put out…keep the pictures coming, I need ideas!

  8. Well, I am your fan and a friend you will like – I'm with you. I've been digging in the orange tubs going through what I want to use and what I don't this year. I love all that you have brought out already and can't wait to be inspired by more. I'm going over to Pier I tonight as a matter of fact. See ya.

  9. I'm not a decorator, but I play one on TV… kidding, although I do watch many of shows on HGTV.

    I happened to come across your blog and started reading while I waited for my wife to return with our youngest from the airport. In the interim I did get dinner started, so it will be ready when they in (self-plug).

    I guess what drew me in was the nostalgic feelings your images and words created.

    Interestingly enough, we are moving to the country in 3 weeks on a small parcel of land (11 acres) which happens to be in wine country too.

    Again, thank you for a great read.

  10. I love those cute paper lanterns! They add some nice color! And the sooner we get everything out…the longer we have to enjoy it! I don't decorate much for the summer months so I'm always ready to get the Fall stuff out early! ♥

  11. Your table runner is lovely and if you send it to me, I'll iron it and return soonest. I'm an idiot, I like to iron -smile-.
    No to decorating, or rather, I re-arrange stuff I already have. I did buy new rugs for the kitchen and bathroom…dark, cozy colors for autumn. I'll put out mums and fodder shocks at the driveway.
    Hmmm, maybe I do decorate; just not like other folks.

  12. I am totally a decorator…for EVERY season!! My mom was too. Somehow, that gene didn't get passed on. My daughter does NOT decorate. Perhaps when she gets older!

    Your place looks fabulous Karen!!

  13. I'm one of the weirdos that HATES the seasonal decorating. Not for me.

    There is a semi-famous Christmas decor store in a small town near where I raised my girls and my city friends LOVED going there.

    I wanted to poke out my eyes with a hot stick. I don't know why!

    Takes all kinds of freaks to make a county fair I'm thinking. 🙂

  14. The autumn wreath is on the front door. The Halloween decorations will be out within the next two weekends. We don't wait until Oct 1st for those, Halloween is too much fun! Your stuff is lovely, much prettier than mine.

  15. I decorate outside, not inside. My house is a total mess right now, and decorating inside would be like putting lipstick on the proverbial pig.

    Now that we have a porch with a flat roof, and easy access to get there, I love to stage this spot for Halloween and Christmas. Halloween decorations are 2 dozen or so electric pumpkins and a giant animated inflatable spider. It makes me smile.

  16. I'm definitely a serial decorator (although I am running a bit behind w/fall decor this year – I blame our heat/drought). What a quaint establishment Lakeside Feed is…it alone is seasonal decorating eye candy!

  17. not yet….it'll be the first of october for me and even then, it won't be much.

    i've never been a seasonal decorator and i have no idea why since i love decorating in general. i even worked freelance in interior design in indiana…..

    but still, a little bit of orange here and there {pumpkins and gourds} and i'll be good to go 🙂

    ps….love what you did with your place !!

  18. we are having some especially warm days, but the nights are so cold that I know it's fall..but I'm squeazing out every last ounce of 'summer' that I can. I love fall decorating though, it's some of the coziest stuff. Oh, and I know I've gushed a thousand times, but I do so LOVE your home.

  19. I too love the paper lanterns! I I wish I could get my stuff out! – busy getting ready for a 16 birthday party first!! Butterflies and pumpkins won't go together, but some of it will be able to stay out and be added to! I enjoyed your blog today with lunch, Thanks!

  20. I decorate for the seasons but only indoors as I have to do "prison" gardening outside (a.k.a. all plants in cages above and below ground).

    And fall, Halloween, pumpkins, my favorite. I have four halloween quilts on the walls. Should I go for little orange bows next?

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