A Sunday of nothing much

Him:  What are you taking pictures of?….. again.

Me:  Just stuff.

Him:  When do you run out of things to take pictures of?

Me:    (speechless… maybe a raised eyebrow and inaudible sigh.   No, scratch that.  My sighs are never inaudible.)

26 thoughts on “A Sunday of nothing much”

  1. There is always something to take pictures of. And I've found that the more of just "nothing" you take, the better they come out. It's looking under every leaf and blade of grass. And yours are always phenomenal, Karen!

  2. There is always something to take pictures of. And I've found that the more of just "nothing" you take, the better they come out. It's looking under every leaf and blade of grass. And yours are always phenomenal, Karen!

  3. we with cameras in our hands, never run out of things to shoot….

    non camera people….well they just don't understand 🙂

  4. "A picture is worth a thousand words"…as they say!

    Always enjoy your pictures Karen…especially the last one on this post…really really lovely!

  5. And they're very nice photos at that. : )
    My husband can't tell an amazing photo from a terrible one. He doesn't understand my passion at all. He does understand the dollar signs being deposited in our account from the sales of my photographs though!

  6. Pics are great, but I loved the conversation. At this old house, I don't see you running out of subjects any time soon. Is the fire pit the location of the teen bon fire?

  7. Karen- But you do SUCH a good job! Tell him when you run out of regular things to photograph you will be featuring him in the shower…that should quiet him down a bit! xo Diana

  8. I just got a raised eyebrow out of my husband about half an hour ago… Men are such weirdos… LOL

  9. Holy cow, your dog looks just like my beloved Tuffy who passed in 2005. He was Schnauzer and West Highland White Terrier, what is your dog?

  10. I love your jar of balls! Our son, yours looks about the same age as ours, kept a jar of them in his room until last year when he "cleaned house" We used to have a jar of pocket knives in the kitchen so momma could keep track . . . and that is no longer either. They grow so fast!

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