Good Morning!

 Finally we have a limited supply of sweet corn…
And we learned a few things about growing corn this year too..

 Inferno peppers for those who like it hot…

Beef tomatoes… YUM!
  My favorite part of the day is early morning…
the light is awesome.

25 thoughts on “Good Morning!”

  1. Love your veggie sales! How you doing with them? Oh, and Hubby would kill for those beef tomatoes.

  2. I would love to have a little corn on the cob. Your farm stand wagon is so handsome. I hope you have a lot of sales. I love checking in on you. Stay cool ~ today is a scorcher! Debi

  3. Your produce looks gorgeous! I didn't plant corn (even though we adore it) because I've heard it's tough to grow – that too many varmints get into it. But I might give it a shot next year.

  4. I could sit there, at your old wagon, with a knife, salt & pepper, and eat my way through like a squirrel!
    But, I do have manners..after I finished I would leave my money and clean up my mess…..

    Did Opie take his fly mask off? Annie has learned this trick..ugh.
    That Filly!
    xo, misha

  5. Morning is indeed so beautiful on your farm! Love those veggies…someday I am going to talk my husband into a little road trip to your stand:) Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  6. Love your old wagon and the morning light IS glorious!
    We've got a little corn almost ready–FINALLY! Eldest daughter said her "farmer" brother had a little fit the other day when he discovered her two big boy pups had "picked" his first canteloupe and were playing with it! Came stomping up to the house to tell on them!

  7. My attempt at gardening this year has been a complete failure. I have a cherry tomato plant that is so sad… and a lot of squash plants that keep blooming and doing nothing else. ~sigh~ I do not have a green thumb.

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