The bucks stopped here…

 Last night while we were sitting out on the screen porch, look who wandered over the hill to graze…

I counted nine.. all bucks.  I had no idea they traveled together. 
 I assumed they had “territories”.

Once they saw me taking pictures…
far away, using zoom with no flash!…

 They hightailed it out of here.
Did you ever wonder where that saying came from?

26 thoughts on “The bucks stopped here…”

  1. You are so lucky! I've only seen one buck….and it looked like he was injured. I didn't think they travelled together. Great photos!

  2. oh they are beautiful! we don't get to see deer here. altho we have some woods bordering our property, i think we've got too many residences sprinkled in them for the deer to feel comfortable…

  3. Awesome photo's, Karen! You truly are blessed to see such a sight!!

    Hey, I had a two legged Buck at my house yesterday. 🙂

  4. I have never seen a buck here (so far) but have seen does and fawns. They come across down the river from the town over, at low tide (smart) and come into the park next to us.

    Bucks run together until they are sexually mature (or mating season) ..then the territory disputes start.

  5. Great pictures and great explanation of High Tail it Outta There! We see the bucks in small herds until they get older and then they are solitary. Please don't give my address to your deer…they are the only ones who aren't here already!

  6. Ah . . . I hadn't realized where that saying came from. Learn something every day.

    Bucks travel together in the spring and summer, the does and fawns keeping to themselves. Come rutting season, bucks will go their own way. You may see several that look like they're together but they're really just chasing tail.

    (wonder if that's where that expression comes from!)

  7. And now we know!!! I never knew they grouped together like that either. I always have the vision of Bambi standing alone silhouetted on top of the hill. You learn something new all the time!

  8. Whenever there are deer around our place I NEVER have my camera with me. No. That's a lie. One time I did have my camera and managed to take a shot. Only one time. And I see deer almost every day. And I don't have one of those fancy phones that takes really good photos.

    Anyway, pretty cool to have so many roaming around. As long as they don't discover your vegetable plot 😉 I see a couple of people already explained the group to you.
    Beautiful animals they are.

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