How The West Was Won

..I’m guessing probably NOT from the back of  this 1890’s buckboard. 
But oh, the romance of it….

This old hay rake has come home to roost too….

31 thoughts on “How The West Was Won”

  1. Love the buckboard!! Our next door neighbors have a bright, shiny, new green and yellow hay rake parked at the end of their lane. Would prefer seeing an old one like yours. 🙂


  2. Very cool! My Mom collected neat old rakes and tractors too. I love them!

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Karen, I am not showing my 17 year old son your post. He is obsessed with old things and would love your buckboard and rake. They look beautiful on your property. Joni

  4. wow….and for some reason, my mind went straight to christmas and visualizing how beautifully decorated you'll make them…well, the wagon for sure 🙂

  5. Oh my, that hay rake reminds me of one my grandfather had! And I've always wanted a buckboard wagon! I pass one several times a week as the Mennonite and Amish still use them around here! I hope you will fill it with pumpkins and mums this fall so that I can live vicariously!

    Kat 🙂

  6. I agree right off the bat with Beth and Kat; I can see those full of pumpkins and something amazing at Christmas. Really pretty pictures. You should be so proud of all your work out there. Debi

  7. If we had one of those buckboards, my husband would prolly be using it to haul firewood. We used to have an old corn planter at the other farm, but we didn't bring it with us.

    And as far as your question is concerned about my house — yes, it is soft and dreamy and pink and shabby-chic. Oh wait, that's my fantasy house. Never mind… 🙂

  8. If I lived where you lived, yours would be the house I would drive by and say, "I wish I lived there!" Love the old buckboard and hay rake… Home Sweet Home!

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