For The Dogs

 Hi All – I have posted before about the Dogs Days Shelter Dog Adoption Event we are going to hold in August.  Up until the event, we will be raising funds to cover the expenses of the weekend itself, such as food for volunteers, tent rental for shade for the dogs and rescue groups, porta potties, insurance fees, etc….

  ..and I had an idea.  So many of my blog friends are talented people who make stuff, and love dogs as much as I do!  I would love to host a fundraiser here on my blog containing items that YOU donate to the cause.  As in… if you are a weaver, perhaps you would be willing to donate a set of dish towels or a handbag or a small rug.  If you are a jewelry artist, maybe a pair of earrings or a necklace. Are you a potter? – a set of mugs or a pretty bowl.  Are you an antique collector? Maybe there is a piece you no longer have room or use for in your home.   

 I’ve never done this before, so here’s how I think it could work, but feel free to give me advice.  I design a post with a picture of each of the donated items and the “purchase price” to be determined by the crafter who donates the item.  BUYERS leave a comment stating they want to buy that item.  I contact buyer and “seller” and put you in contact with each other.  Buyer sends check written out to the Dog Days Adoption Event, mailed to me (I will provide mailing addresses upon request) and Seller (Donating crafter) ships item to Buyer. 

  So, what do you think?  Any interest? ….. bad idea?  I’m open to suggestions… See flyer below..

23 thoughts on “For The Dogs”

  1. I like the concept, and you know I will donate a rug! Of course…..but maybe if you post a picture of one of my rugs, and then let them pick off my web site…….they send the money to you….you tell me, I send them the rug… it would be more of a ….say '$75 value from Crazy as a Loom'. What do you think??

  2. Hi Karen! Try googleing fundraisers on etsy and fundraisers on ebay….I know I have see sales on both for charity…not sure how it is set up or if it costs anything but it might be simpler for you.

    I am not the crafty type but if you thought a photo would work let me know!

  3. I've seen a lot of different ways of doing this sort of thing.

    I don't exactly make stuff, but I could donate something kid-related that is not handmade if you'd like. A book or a Nintendo DS game or something along those lines.

  4. This is great, Karen. I'll try to think IF I have anything anyone would want, and get it in the mail to you. 🙂

    Wish you all a lot success for a very worthy cause.

  5. I'd love to help you out Karen.

    I can offer bars of homemade lye soap. Let me know if I can help in any other way. Maybe blog about it too when the plans are finalized? 🙂

  6. I'll donate a husband. You can set the price. He comes complete with four guitars, most of his own teeth, and a Bose sound system.

    Okay, if there are no takers, I'll find something else. I'd love to be a part of this, and I think it's a fabulous idea.

  7. I'm thinking…I'm thinking….honestly I would rather just send you the shipping money…shipping is so expensive these days (I sell on e-bay)..if you post an address when you do the auction blog I bet you would lots of dollars…

  8. That is such a wonderful idea Karen. And judging from the comments it will be a huge success. If only I'd be living in the USA. Shipping things to and from the Netherlands is very costly. But I'm going to think about something I could donate. Perhaps I can do something artistic with a photo of one of the horses or the dogs… hmmmm. An inspirational post and I hope, no I'm sure, it will be a HUGE success!


  9. … one more thing. If a greyhound-size collar (14-20") is too big or too little, I can make other sizes. Off the top of my head, I know I have collars on Labradors, Standard Poodles, an English Bulldog, Cocker Spaniels, and some Whippets.

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