The one where she’s really random….

 Can you believe these guys?  They’ll be ready to fly the coop soon!
This is my favorite chicken… Dorothy
She is the wisest, calmest, friendliest chicken of the girls
and she’ll be the biggest – a Black Jersey Giant

Ask me how much I love peonies…

And this color combo in the patio pots…..
 Glorious weather here today…
Can’t stop thinking of all those people who have lost their homes
and loved ones in that series of tornadoes…
The destruction is just devastating to see, let alone live..
and I’m not even gonna post a picture of that hideous
Casey A*thony trial.
If the story she is spewing isn’t true…
and I doubt it is, for she has lied a thousand times..
..then she is just pure evil.
I hate knowing people are capable of
inflicting this level of horror on each other.
ENOUGH said.

21 thoughts on “The one where she’s really random….”

  1. Dorothy is a beauty! 🙂

    Love your flowers, so pretty. And, I'm not going there about that girl, either. So awful. 🙁

    However, I too feel so badly about the lives lost, homes lost in those horrific tornadoes. Doesn't yet seem like it's going to end anytime soon.

  2. That orange flower in the last photo is the same one I had that has pretty much bit the dust for the season, I think. It was around the cobalt bird bath. I just love it though. So perky and pretty and the middle is incredible! Sort of blue, sort of purple.

  3. Karen,
    Isn't it funny how we have "favorite" chickens? My favorite is named Ella. She is a speckled sussex.
    Dorothy is lovely.
    xo, Cheryl

  4. Random is okay, really. We get more info and photos that way. 🙂

    Looks like things are really growing around your place. Love it all.

  5. Love peonies … my grandmother had so many!

    Oh, Casey Anthony just gets my dander up (if I had any!). Why oh why this girl is wasting her parent's money!

  6. What sweet, sweet photos, but I love the chicken in the background, cocking her head as if to say, "Hey lady, whatcha doin'?"

  7. Are you watching the trial? Unfortunately, I'm glued to it. I hope her latest lies backfire and get her what she deserves.

  8. If Casey A*thony would have just spilled this story 3 years ago then she would never have spent the past 3 in jail. What a liar she is.

  9. I've no idea who the "girl" is nor what she said or lied about. I'm good with not knowing -smile-. Life is too short to seek out crap; it's been my experience crap just sorta finds us anyway.
    I've got some rose colored peonies and they are lovely this year; so beautiful!

  10. I can't believe how big those birds are!!! Man, that is a fast transformation!!! Question, are you going to be eating these chickens one day? I know that may sound awful, but I am just curious. I missed a lot of the chicken coop adventures and was just wondering. My dad raised beef cattle. I named on Sir Loin! I couldn't eat him though. He was my buddy. I haven't heard the latest about her. I live under a rock and frankly have no idea what is going on. Jemma takes everything in so we don't have the news on. I need to read a paper every now and then!

    Your flowers… dreamy!!

  11. Too much bad in the news, we need some sunshine in our lives. I draw such strength from the pictures you have posted today Karen, thanks sweetie!

  12. Ahh, I have to go check my mom's peonies at the old house- I totally bet they are in bloom and they are my favorite!! Thanks for the reminder 🙂 Dorothy sounds like a riot already and it'll be fun to hear and see the personality of all the others 🙂

  13. I love the nest, so full! We had a robin leave her nest in such a hurry yesterday, she hit a window and died… leaving three little eggs all alone. Any ideas on what to do? I can't find any other active nest to put them into, which was my first thought, and I know that we can't incubate them ourselves…

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