Miracle Grow

 I am amazed at the amount of growth I’m witnessing
among the chicks-to-chickens and baby birds-to-Robins.
Chicks four weeks ago…
  And just four weeks later – feathers, chicken shaped body… quatrupled in size.
By the way, chickens are very hard to get a decent picture of.
They are constantly worried or curious about you and move perpetually.
Hence – crappy pictures.

 Baby robins just six days ago…

Now that’s pretty amazing.
It actually looks impossible! But this is truly six days growth.
From that tiny translucent skinned creature that emerges from the egg,
it takes just 14 days for a baby Robin to grow a full body
of feathers and be able to hop around and flutter it’s wings.

24 thoughts on “Miracle Grow”

  1. Isn't it absolutely miraculous to behold!!! And you get to witness it, in person and capture it, with pictures. Lucky girl!

  2. Wow! I didn't realize that chickens grow THAT fast.

    Whenever I'm watching the progress of baby birds in a nest in our yard, I often wonder how many trips back and forth with bugs it takes to fuel growth at this speed? That's a LOT of bugs. We have Mockingbirds in one of the roses, and it's not nearly as easy to get a decent photo of THEIR babies. I needed to have Kat act as my wingman the other day, or Mrs. Mockingbird was going to peck my eyes out. Very protective of their babies, those Mockingbirds.

  3. I have to say, the chicks are much cuter than the robins. Get some feathers, dudes!

  4. Such cute babies you have. We have more baby rabbits in the same hole that the last litter came out of. My husband was just checking the hole to see if anything was in there and he thought there were two baby rats in there. So he pulled back the pineneedles to show me and there are about six teeny tiny little baby rabbits. I want to get a picture of them and my husband is afraid mama won't come back if we keep messing with the nest.

  5. Wow Karen,the robin's photo is truly amazing. I would have never guessed that they could grow that fast. Nature is wonderful!! The chicks are adorable. Omelets in a couple of months? You are sooooo lucky.

  6. I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoy your posts and the beautiful pictures you share of the life there. These are so precious!

  7. wow….they really do grow up so fast…oh sorry, i was thinking about our kids 🙂

    but seriously, those birds. wow!!……and i kind of have a secret love affair with chickens….they just kind of crack me up !

  8. Great pictures Karen, I love any chicken pictures! I see that's a common thread in most of these comments. Mother Nature is amazing, they seem so fragile and in reality they are strong. Humans too, we are stronger than we think!

  9. That is impressive!
    We have baby chicks due to hatch today or tomorrow. They're under a broody hen, but she's been doing a good job. We have 10 total – wonder how many will hatch?

  10. It is pretty amazing. Yes, it's difficult to get pictures of chickens. You could use a long lens but then you'd be shooting through chicken wire.

  11. Karen, Wow! You should bring this to an elementary or middle school to show the students, they would go wild, not to mention learn something!

    So amazing to watch mother nature, thank you for a wonderful Sunday post!

  12. Your chicks are about a week ahead of mine. So cute..and curious, as you say.

    Love the Robin pictures. Amazing! Will make a nice sequence of pictures when they are bigger..hope you can get some before they fly away…

  13. I've always enjoyed watching my birds grow. It is pretty amazing how fast it all happens. Glad you are having fun with your birdie kids! 🙂

  14. Karen, Now why didn't I think to put my chicks in a cute basket and take their picture? Mine are five weeks today. We still have them in a cage in our mud room as Doug madly finishes their outdoor abode and pen. 🙂
    xo, Cheryl

  15. Wonderful photos I think! It is truly nature's miracle that these babies can grow that fast…It is fun to watch them here!

  16. That is amazing!!!!! I was at my BIL's this weekend and a baby bird had fallen out of a nest during a store. I got to feed him. I am in love with him. He loves me too. He chirped when I came into the room. I am seriously in love with him. I didn't want to leave him!!! How neat for you to be able to see these babies all grow!

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