Live your moments

 In the checkout line she looked at my cake mix and two candle numbers and said “Do you have a 51 or a 15?”  ..and I quickly replied… “15!!! –  no 51’s yet!”  We laughed.  It’s not that many years away… the 51. I need to stop mentally reading that as “Omg… I’m this number already.”   It needs to read more like… Thank you thank you for every moment of the years I’m given.  I’m reminded through some of my blog friends out there, (you know who you are) just how precious life is.  These blog friends have taught me a thing or two about grace under pressure.  Gratitude for life.  I want you to know,   I’m working on it…every moment… and I thank you for the message.

So this is what 15 looks like…

These guys have been hanging around together since Kindergarten.
I love that they get to do that.  

Live your moments

31 thoughts on “Live your moments”

  1. You have just brought back the most wonderful memory. My son had a birthday party – I believe it was his 14th. He wanted his best friends to sleep over and go out to see a movie, and stay up late and have pancakes in the morning before they went home. It really was so much fun.
    He's still friends with some of the guys, and once again is going through a rough time – another crossroad in his life. God, I hope he figures it all out ~
    Enjoy your day and the memories that will come with it. And 51 is a spring chicken compared to some.

  2. As I sit here, squarely in the middle of MY 51st year, I can tell you that many things about this time of life are pretty fabulous. Other things really suck.

    I love the first photo of the boy and his friends … but I love the of you and your sweet puppy even more.

  3. 15 is so young, how wonderful to have friends that they grew up with. Love the picture of all of them. I passed 51 so long ago that it seems a lifetime, however I am finding that 71 is pretty fabulous also and I am so greatful. Hugs, Marty

  4. 51 was a wonderful age. Not until I hit about 54 or 55 did I start saying grrrr when a birthday came along.

    Looks like a really nice family birthday celebration. 🙂


  5. Love the pic of the boys!!! My boys, too, have friends they have had since kindergarten and I love it when they all come over and play board games, laugh and generally make noise!!!!! And, Karen, you are going to be gorgeous at all your ages!!! It does seem, however, that it goes faster and faster…so I guess enjoying now is the way to go!

  6. You'll do fine at 51, look what you have to work with! (I have vague memories… but, all my memories are vague)

    Happy birthday to Mr. 15!

  7. Hi, I just recently found your blog and have been enjoying reading all your entries and will be coming back often. Love what you said about living every moment, couldn't agree more.

  8. Hi Karen!
    What a great post.
    Once again, your blog has me singing the TSwift song in my head…. "Fifteen"!
    My daughter is 15 and a senior son, almost 18. OMG. Where does the time go?
    Don't blink.
    Precious moments. Thanks for sharing.
    Love seeing you and your puppy! Both of you are beauties!

  9. I guess I think about those that never made it to 15 or 51 and am thankful I'm 51 today. I hope to have some more good years ahead.

    Love the pool table photo. I hope each boy received a print — it's something they'll want to remember. 🙂

  10. He is indeed lucky to have "old" young friends! Not too many people live in the same community their whole childhood to make those lasting friendships. We were transferred 10 times in the past 29 years, lots of school changes. But all along the way we made new friends and celebrated the moments. That's what it's all about, setting around the family table and sharing our lives! Great blog Karen, I love coming for a visit!

  11. Great pictures, as always Karen. It's a great time in your son's life, not many cares, or responsibilities.
    Some of my most memorable summers were 15 and 16. Not old enough to have a REAL job, just cutting lawns, delivering papers. Then hanging out with friends, in the evenings at one of our friends pools…2 guys and 3 girls…all just friends in the neighborhood! We had such fun back then!

  12. Congratulations! What a great photo of those boys. Wouldn't it be nice if they'll look back on that photo in… what… 40 years time or so and still be the best of friends?

    Nice header again 😉

  13. Happy 15th! They look like a really nice group of young men! Hard to believe in less than 10 years they'll be college graduates and possibly married. That what I think of when I look at my nieces and nephews! Where does the time go?

    Have a wonderful Patriots Day!

  14. Love that first photo- whoever said Album cover is spot on! Happy 15! Such a crazy good feeling to watch someone not just live their moments, but celebrate them too! Great post Karen, you've captured the beauty of life right there 🙂

  15. Hey you…I'll take every birthday someone else doesn't want! -lol- They are all precious and more so the older I get or when illness hits. There are days, like yesterday, when I just hunker down and plow through but it's still better than being plant food.
    Like Daddy says, "I'm ready to go but I'm not homesick!"

  16. Wonderful shots of a magical time of life…I love the hand on the chin pose they gave you:) When my grandson turns 15 I will be 70 and I sure hope to be taking photos of it!

  17. i loved when my baby boy was 15….he was still good !

    and ummm that 51…..the hubby turns 49 this year and i turn 47….oh 51 seems to incredibly young, no 🙂

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