Louie Part Two

 You remember Louie a few posts back, right?  Yesterday we took a trip over to Louie’s house so the husband could order more plants.   Oh yes, we need more vegetable plants… the 500 or so we are growing on my screen porch aren’t enough, apparently.

First, an update around here…
The two raised beds in the immediate backyard were supposed to be IT! REALLY!  NO MORE THAN THAT!  TOO MUCH WORK!…. NOT GOING THERE AGAIN!

Except… winter somehow erased that memory and now there is that big patch out in the lower field.  Seedlings are on my porch to the left.

  This is our first produce, last year’s dried  oregano ….. I had labels made for the farm too, but found that it’s expensive, not sure if I’ll do that again.

  These are by far the most comfortable garden/barn/work shoes I have ever worn.  I have always hated the look of crocs, so I didn’t fall into that fad.  However, I needed something for out in the garden and chicken coop and found these at our local True Value hardware.   I’m telling  ya, it’s like walking on clouds.  And they breathe! no sweating.

  On to Louie…
 When we arrived he was giving a neighbor some tomato plants..
His little green house, which we are replicating to some degree…

 He’s already got onions and broccoli rabe growing ( I know that’s spelled wrong, some italian I am)

   His neighbor, Egdio, is also from Italy and grows a mean garden of his own just across the creek.
Wouldn’t you love to have these two as neighbors?

 Egdio is helping Louie plant peas – which Louie says “You  can’t-a buy better peas..ooh nooo”.  Ofcourse, he wouldn’t let us buy his either.

   Now, Louie raises rabbits for food and fertilizer.
This never sits well with me..however… in Louie’s defense, the rabbits always have fresh water, large clean hutches and good hay, pellets and vegetables from his garden until their day of reckoning comes.
In my last Louie post I told you that I have “rescued” two of those rabbits before.
One, sadly, died at the paws of my barn cat. I built a large Bunny  yard as high as my shoulder and thought he’s be safe from preditors.   Not.
Needless to say I was horrified.
The other died in a heatwave when we had a week of near 100 degree days.
While my hutch was large and shaded, the vet said the rabbit probably needed a frozen liter soda bottle full of water in there to help him with the heat.  I had no idea that even though in the shade and able to get inside his hutch if he desired, a rabbit could still die of the heat if not assisted.
Live and learn, is all I can do.
A momma about to have babies….
These are a mix of flemmish giants.. HUGE rabbits

These babies are just two weeks old.. see how big they are already…


19 thoughts on “Louie Part Two”

  1. The two grumpy old men gardeners are adorable. Yes, I would love to live next to them.

    And uh-oh, is right. I'd have 3 or 4 of those little guys in a box and home, in no time.

    Did you take one? 😉

  2. Love the sloggers! I haven't seen those before; of course I haven't looked!

    So, I wonder what kind of peas those are. Undoubtedly, not the kind we southerners eat. 🙂

    Ya'll are going to be in for a lot of work, but then you know that already. I really miss my mom and her gardens. She loved it, and/or canned/froze some good stuff!

    Hope you're feeling much better, Karen.

  3. Oh, nooooooooo! Poor widdle wabbits. I can't think about it. That's going to be a mighty large garden. Perhaps you should set up a produce stand, with the overflow of veggies you are bound to have.

  4. Nice labels! I made labels for my mom's honey jars for really cheap!! She still uses them. I can show you how if you want. Are we going to see bunnies too at This Old House 2?? Cute…

  5. I'd have to keep the bunnies as pets! What great gardens . . . I'm jealous, not of the work involved, of what you'll produce!

    About your labels, have you considered doing them yourself with Avery labels? You could even do black/grey to make them look old fashioned . . .

    Have a good one!

  6. So did you go home with more bunnies? I just adore Louie and his friend!Wish they were my neighbors!

    Sloggers look an awful lot like Crocs I think:) love that color…

  7. Your picture of the two men, the one on the right (is it Louie), his body shape and stance remind me of my dad, before he got cancer. He's still hanging on, but he doesn't have long. Thanks for a reminder of who he was. As he wastes away, you forget that he wasn't always like this.

  8. Your garden "sloggers" are exactly what I need!
    We have similar gardening neighbors in our neck of the woods. Instead of the Italian accent, it's a nice southern drawl.

  9. My sloggers are from Target and while they are not adorable, they are fabulous out in the yard and garden.

    I'm a little in love with Louie.

  10. i love louie and i want his green house 🙂

    oh and one of his bunnies, too !!!
    the kids had a bunny as a pet for awhile and oh gosh, i loved that silly little thing so much !!

  11. Ughhhhhh!!!! Why oh why did you post on those bunnies???? I want to go there and rescue them all! When I was in 4-H I had flemish rabbits (the same roan color those were) and I never ate them. No!
    But their poo is wonderful for gardens. Never burns, even if you may put too much on. Btw- I "stole" the baby bunny photo for my screen saver! Lol!

  12. I AM NOT showing my wife this post, otherwise we'd be in a car to Conn. picking up bunnies. Nope, not gonna show her.

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