How does your garden grow?

 Ours is growing TOO BIG.  I think the man forgets how much work this kind of thing creates.  Today a row was hoed.  Make that about 50 rows… that’s alot of hoeing.  Why does the mind always go right to the gutter when that word is uttered.  A blogger that I admire sent me some information, and I chuckled immediately when I saw her e-mail address… gardenhoe at ….  that just cracks me up. (you know who you are).

 See that large square of rich black soil out there?   I’m not whining, really…

 Ok, I’m whining…
You all are gonna come help me with the weeding, right?
In all fairness I will only be responsible for the weeding in the two raised beds behind the house. Supposedly there’s a plan in place for a rototiller to cut in between rows every three days to chop up any weeds that are thinking of taking root.  I’ll let you know how that goes.
The coop is coming along – yard is done – roof tomorrow….

The menfolk are outside right now fortifying the greenhouse walls…

 Although it’s still freak’n cold here, as in 40’s for the high…
I am grateful to the previous residents of this property for planting mini daffodils and crocus.

Spring really is here, if only Winter would just let go.

34 thoughts on “How does your garden grow?”

  1. "That's a lot of hoeing." Before those 5 words even sunk in, my mind had raced to the dark side. Yep, I'm one of them.
    And that garden, reminds me of my father in laws garden, it got bigger and bigger each spring, and the moaning got louder and louder each fall come harvest time. "All my tomatoes are rotting", he would say. That's because he planted enough for Chester County, PA.

  2. ahhhh, those crocus are so purdy! I'm so excited about your chicken coop and absolutely cannot wait until you have chickies pecking around in there and laying fresh eggs… My sister just LOVES watching her chickens and laughs at them all the time. She just got 8 new little chicks!


  3. 50 rows?? Holy moly! Now that's a big garden!
    Your coop is looking good!

    My crocus look about the same as yours. Bring on the warm weather…

    Have a great day.

  4. Your chickens will be quite happy moving in…nice lookin' coop! Now that's one mighty garden!! You gonna do a veggie stand this summer?

  5. I just wish you were closer, I'd bring you over a hoe that the blacksmith makes. They hate weeds. Of course we call it by another name. The words of head and nappy are in there some where.

  6. You are going to be up to your ears in veggies…unless you do open the farmstand, of course. I just heard from a blogger who said that you can freeze vegetables. I never heard of that. I always thought they were too full of water. Do you know anything about this?

    I love the chicken coop and envy the greenhouse. The garden plot, hmmmm. Looks like a lot of work. Won't tilling the weeds just make them reseed more?

    Love your new header. Your horse is beautiful!


  7. Karen- Holy COW! That looks like a whole lotta work to me! You will remember to blog, won't you? Progress is looking good on coop and greenhouse! xxoo Diana

  8. Lady, you have a hutterite garden-you should be here in Alberta. I'd give you a hand. :)You are going to be freezing and canning like crazy!

    I just love your yard. It's so beautiful.

  9. You are going to be one busy gardener!!! My mind is in the gutter too…

    Looking good!!

    I have NO flowers…NONE…it is currently 18 out. We are having a heat wave. The other night it was 16. CMON Spring!!

  10. And, please tell me why that iron kettle is full of flowers and not empty, waiting to make apple butter? -smile-
    Love the coop; think the chicks will enjoy it as well but I'm thinking a roof to keep hawks and other critters out. You'll keep more chickens thataway.

  11. Oh Karen love those crocuses! We don't have any so I'll just have to enjoy yours…and that chicken coop is wonderful! The garden, however, looks a mite big–but my husband would love it! ha! xo

  12. What a great place for a garden! All nice and flat and close by. Only in my dreams have I ever had a garden like that. Oh, and the coop looks great!

  13. I'm so glad to cross your path. Love that beautiful farmhouse of yours! Looks like you all stay as busy as we do making improvements.

  14. I'm in awe of your garden. Living in California….my garden is 3 pots I have of herbs on my window….SIGH. Will you be delivering??? Hehe

  15. I'll hoe for you if you'll hoe for me. (Sorry, couldn't help it). 🙂

    As I've said before, don't know how in the heck you get so much done! Can't wait for the chicks! They're gonna love living with ya'll as long as you don't have them for dinner.

    My mom used to have huge gardens, and we had to pull the weeds. YUK! 🙂

  16. We are downsizing our garden substantially this year. It's just the two of us and Shane has been out of town working for most of the winter — I'm not getting rid of much of last year's canning at all.

    It really makes no sense to put up a big garden if you can't eat the produce in one year's time.

  17. Thanks for the visit, Karen! Looks like you and your family have some major projects going. Our church has a 1 1/2 acre garden where we raise, lettuce (mixed greens), broccoli, cauliflower, and soon we'll have tomatoes and bell peppers. We sell all of this and after expenses we donate the proceeds to the local food bank.Lots of work but it's really brought our church together. 'Course, those who wanted it the most don't seem to be around for the weeding. lol
    Take care. Hope you have a good week.
    Ladybug Creek

  18. I really miss having a garden, of course my husband took care the weeding. Our yard here isn't nearly as big as we have always had and it is landscaped…so we just have a few pots of tomatoes and peppers:(

  19. Karen, I'm a flower gardener, but how about mulch? It's easier than pulling weeds. Thanks for the post about Brooklyn Restoration. We were in Dayville last year, but we didn't have the address and couldn't find it. I hope you build your farm stand. What a wonderful dream. Regards, John

  20. You have your work cut out for you..Big garden!
    We have a small one and I can't hardly keep up with it…I love your farmhouse and the photos!
    We have an old house also and love it…Lots of work but it is SO worth it…

  21. Mmmm…. I am thinking all of the tasty food you will be able to make!
    And you can even freeze some! Then there is canning! *sigh* I have tiny raised beds but I hope to get some organic yummies! Let me know if you all need help!:)

  22. i love where you live….all your space….and yes, i'd come help weed as long as i got some fresh goodies to take home with me 🙂

  23. You are going to be a busy girl regardless! I can't recall what you've said about harvest time. Will you be canning or freezing? Either way it's lots of work, yet the payoff is awesome.

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