Taking a knee, those ugly tweets, and a magical night on the water

      Oooh boy…. If you still come by here often enough, you know how a feel about most things I’ve covered in posts.   I don’t shy away from expressing my opinion on a subject, and that may irk a few people now and again.  That’s OK by me, as long as we’re civil in how we discuss our differing views.  I’m open to learning something from another’s viewpoint, although I don’t count on ever swaying another in my direction and vice versa.  Communication is a must, regardless.. or nothing ever gets accomplished – that’s just a truth in all things.  So I communicate, often, for better or worse.  Hopefully more better than worse. 
     The *Take A Knee movement has gained momentum and perhaps even gained a new purpose thanks to 45’s  juvenile tweets on the subject.  He bellowed “I’d Fire those Sons-of-Bitches”…. These words spoken to a crowd regarding NFL players  who have taken a knee while the Anthem is played and the flag displayed.   That obnoxious speech and the accompanying tweets led all NFL teams to kneel and stand with arms locked together on Sunday, a show of Unity in the league after being attacked by their, our, yours my.. President.
    How do I feel about the *knee movement?   My opinion differs greatly from most of my Democrat or Liberal friends and they have let me know this very vehemently on social media. My republican friends are cheering me on, happy to finally! be in agreement on something.  
  Jeez… it’s not about that, folks.   
    No kidding – because of my opinion on this particular thing, I was accused of being a traitor to my “party” because I don’t  agree on this issue … and what that right there is to me is the colossal failure of all parties, especially in recent times.  We tend to separate ourselves into the party our beliefs align with, and we shut out and vilify all others.  We close our eyes and ears to listening to another avenue, another way, another take and then when we do that, we are blind to our own failures or pitfalls or oversights.   That’s what our government is doing, anyway. 
     I have never fully committed to a party affiliation myself, as I want to hear all sides on the issues according to the various crisis we currently face ( where do we start??)  and I don’t want an affiliation to own me.    I see strong and valid ideas on both sides of the isle, amid the corruption and usual bullshittery. When I vote, I vote for the person I feel will have the most positive impact in the current political and social environment for the greater good.  Admittedly, that’s been more Democrat than not.  Mostly.  Almost All.  Last summer and fall  I did lend an earnest ear to what the Republicans had to say – and the lead horse in the end was just not one I could ever stand behind and feel good about.   We’ve all witnessed why that is by now.   If you voted for 45 and still feel good about it, well you’re amazing.  I congratulate you on your stoic resolve to see it through.  I hope you know something special that I don’t, really not kidding here, I mean this. 
     Racism is an ugly, ugly thing –  most of us know this.  What will turn the hearts and minds of those who are so ingrained with that hatred is beyond me, for it should be crystal clear in this day and age how very wrong the act.  While I sympathize with those in our culture who still deal with racism, injustice and inequality, and it is not just the black population, there are many forms of racism and injustice, prejudice and inequality – I wish Colin and his comrades in arms (or knees) chose something other than the symbol that for many represents our patriotism, our love for our country, the symbol and song that brings goosebumps and tears to my eyes every time I hear and see it in a public display – The symbol that for me and many others represents – Home of the Free Because of the Brave.  Because of those men and women, many of whom lost their one sacred life defending our freedoms (indeed, including freedom of speech)   and were buried with a flag draped over their coffin.  I am of the opinion that  it was a really poor choice to carry the racism message.  Others are thrilled because it’s a peaceful protest.. and the issue is huge, real, and needs to be addressed.   I  see their point.  ….. and I still stand behind my opinion that  they should have picked another way. This way will be taken as unpatriotic, ungrateful, by those who won’t sympathize with them anyway.  Why give them grounds to do so? 
    So what will happen now?  When will the kneeling stop and some positive action begin?  Well we are all talking about it… but most of “we” aren’t the problem.   In their spare time and with the multiple spare funds they have gained as very successful athletes in this country..  I hope those men will head out into the communities that need them, will meet with the press and talk out the issues, will meet with law enforcement and inner city families, build some bridges, community centers, promote work ethic and education,  keep the conversations going so that something will actually come of this taking of the knee, shunning the flag and the anthem.  
    Since I posted that opinion, I have been called a traitor, I have been accused of not fully understanding or sympathizing with the black man’s experience because I am of white privilege.  I have been told I have gone to the other side because I side with 45.  
      I was frustrated that some of the folks I still consider friends were so aggravated by my opinion on this knee taking stance. I saw their point, why couldn’t they see mine?  We both want the same things in the end.   And then I said that thing I often need to say to myself, …. maybe it took six times but still…. This isn’t about you, Karen
    True, this – we don’t need to defend ourselves and shouldn’t take offense to other points of view. That’s not an easy pill to swallow for someone like me.  Nevertheless…    I know who I am, what I stand for and what I do not, I trust my own intelligence, I am fair and honest.  I believe in  equality and justice for all.   If you and I meet up in a dark place and you desperately need the last of something I’ve got, I’ll share it with you or hand it over whether you’re black, white, orange or red, voted for Hill or Tr*mp or RumpleStilskin.   That’s going to have to be good enough for anyone who wants to stick around.   
     Well… now that the heavy is dumped… let me share a little light with you.   Last night the light on the cove was nothing short of magical – water smooth as glass with little breeze, mellow gorgeous silvery blue and then golden pink light as far as the eye could see.  I wish I could pour it out to all of you so that you could feel the joy and peace I felt last night as I paddled through that quiet water.  It took the edge off my day. 
 That and a gin and tonic with a lovely twist of lime made by my sympathetic mother.  

Till soon, friends –