Winners of Roba Dolce Flavor Contest!

 First I should tell you that MANY of your flavor ideas were winners. We received 78 in total.  The guys at Roba Dolce had a hard time narrowing it down to just ONE – so they picked THREE!!   Some of the recommended flavors are already in the works, and they are keeping the list of all flavors for future reference. Roba Dolce thanks every one of you for participating.  The boxes go out on Friday to those of you who entered your blog for blog button and review of product.  

 Now for the winners – (if you’ve entered your blog and your flavor won too, you’re getting a double dose)  If you’ve given me your shipping address already, terrific. I’ll send you a shout out this morning.  and Lynn R. of my home town – for STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE GELATO

 We look forward to your reviews!

18 thoughts on “Winners of Roba Dolce Flavor Contest!”

  1. Yippie – I'm so excited. Hubby is going to love 2 cases of Gelato and Sorbet! Whoohoo!!!

    Thank you, and thank the guys too!!


  2. WOO-HOOOOO! I am sooooo excited, I NEVER win anything! We're in for a treat. Thank you Karen and thank you Roba Dolce!!!!!

  3. YAY !!!! This totally made my morning. I can't wait to tell my 8yr old that we won. She's the one who had picked that flavor. We can't wait to try it : )
    Thank you Karen and thank you Roba Dolce!!!!!

  4. Sounds like some great flavors are in the works over at your place.

    Congratulations to your winners!


  5. Congratulations to the winners! All the flavors sound YUMMY!! I hope they get right on that coffee toffee; well actually all of them. lol

    Hope you have a happy day, Karen! 🙂

  6. Awesome shot for your header! Yay for all the winners!! How fun to have a contest like this and see your idea put to use 🙂

  7. Congrats to all the winners! I can't wait until their flavors are available, they all sound so yummy.

    In the meantime, I'll be waiting for my sample to enjoy and review! This was so much fun!

  8. Congrats to the winners. my thoughts on those flavors:
    UUMMMM Key Lime Pie…
    Strawberry is a terrible thing to do to a cheesecake…
    and the coffee toffee mocha crunch has me streaming through my olfactory database trying to compute the Epicurean value of that esoteric combination…

    Thank You Karen. You are a gem. A true gem.

  9. You are just CRUEL, you are! For posting delicious looking photos and talking about gelato all the time and I can't get it over here. (Although to be fair, it was in the title, so it's my own fault that my mouth is watering and I'm slightly depressed now.)

    Congratulations to the winners. All suggestions sound extremely yummy.

  10. The first box arrived today – so far we've sampled the pistachio and raspberry gelato and the lemon sorbetto. All I can say is WOW – they are truly amazing!!! I can't wait to see my Coffee Toffee Mocha Crunch flavor suggestion on the grocery store shelves!

    Thank you again,

  11. Congrats to the winners! Those flavors sound amazing! I'll be watching for the Coffee Toffee Mocha Crunch to go on sale for the gelato-eating public! All my favorites rolled into one!

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