Troubled waters, restless sky

     Throughout my younger years I often reflected on how lucky I was to grow up in a time of relative peace. Too young to know the horrors of Vietnam personally, born decades after the World Wars… I felt relieved that our world had learned it’s lessons in the atrocities of war.  This is not to imply that there hasn’t been turmoil around the globe, that there haven’t been major issues brewing under the thin veneer of “peace time” since.  I think it’s crystal clear, particularly now… just how thin that skin was.. and is… 
Passed this in my travels last week… I want to hug the person who displayed it.  Amen.  One of the many issues before us. 
      I have always hoped and believed we would never come back to an all out war between super powers, surely the powers that be would learn from past mistakes… would not allow, ever again, the mass destruction, the horrors of war, because… NO ONE WINS.  EVERYONE LOSES… isn’t this clear to all by now?  Hasn’t history taught us enough of those lessons?  Lately, it seems power and greed and corruption and ego are winning out over common sense.  
     Such a beautiful world we live in.  The simplest truth is… every living being could exist here in comfort, in relative peace, in harmony.. together….having what they need.   It’s absolutely attainable, if not for greed and ego.  How very sad that we can ruin it for ourselves.  This is where the idea of a divine creator is lost on me. What a cruel joke, to create a race that will probably eventually destroy itself based on those two traits.  I want to believe good will always slay evil.  I don’t think I have to touch on what we’re all seeing in the world news … lately, that scenario doesn’t seem likely. 
     Yesterday I paddled my trusty little red Kayak, Ruby,  out into a choppy cove and let the wind and salt spray cover me. The warmth of the sun felt good on my skin… the rhythmic motion of the boat as we bobbed over the waves soothed my soul.  Sunlight like diamonds on the waters before me… looking out into the Atlantic waters  from the safety  of our little cove… all I could think of was how healing it might be if I could instill that calmness, that appreciation of the beauty of our shared world, in the hearts of the men who can’t see beyond their own egos and greed.  
  I have been trying, lately, to avoid watching too much of the news – to refrain from spewing my disgust on social media… taking some advice from my son, the 21 year old who hasn’t been around as long as I have.. yet.   “Mom, why get yourself all worked up over something you have no control over. It’s not worth the price, let it go“.   
 Like ego and greed, another simple truth, yes?  Out of the mouths of not a babe anymore, but youth nevertheless. 
   So I’m taking more walks with my dogs…  
   My old boy, Ben, and I took a stroll last night in the fields just before dark.  The sky seemed restless, moisture and humidity have returned and I wonder if this is the beginning of the newest hurricane heading toward the states.  More stormy weather ahead…. 

    I’m not religious, but I believe in the power of prayer – go figure.  Praying for the safety of all in Hurricane Irma’s path – praying for the healing of our people all over the world – praying for sanity and good will to settle in the hearts of our leaders so that we avoid destroying ourselves in the pursuit of… Greatness?  *sigh.  We already have profound greatness…. beauty, bounty, resources. May we collectively figure out how not to destroy it. 
 Till soon, friends…