Rain, darn it.

 Oh, how I wanted snow.  The husband not so much. He’s probably doing a happy dance as I type, because when it snows,  for him it means a lot of plowing.

  This is what I see as I look out my office window… we are blessed with a neighborhood full of older colonial homes and I am grateful daily to be surrounded by the old New England charm.

  Although it’s hard to see in this photo, when we look out the back windows we have Mrs. N’s awesome log cabin up on the hill.  Our previous home had beautiful grounds, but it was set way back off the road. What I find I am enjoying most in our move to This Old House is the proximity to neighbors… seeing lights on across the street or over at Mrs. N’s. 
 See the dreariness of this morning?  For all of you who are complaining of snow…
YES, send me that semi truck full. I’ll accept the delivery.

 The eldest child is home from college for winter break
 and she has joined me in making cookies
for the christmas cookie collection.
We tried something new this year and it came out delicious!!
Have you seen these in the store? 
You should be able to find them in the baking section.
   Recipe is on back, similar to Choc chips.. YUM.


15 thoughts on “Rain, darn it.”

  1. I smell the cookie fragrance wafting out from the open oven. AND, you have a 6 burner stove? You rock!!

  2. Karen, you want to hear something funny. It is snowing here. Just started. Really just flurries. I don't think we will get any accumulation from it. Teeny tiny flakes right now. I hope they get bigger. Very cold and windy and the temperature has dropped from 40 to 32 in the last few minutes. BRRRRR

  3. You live in such beautiful country. I love seeing pictures. Look at little Miss baking with her mama. Nothin' sweeter than that!!

    If it snows here, I'll be sure to send it to you; the last time was in l989. lol

  4. Ben's daughter is in Minneapolis….they got a freakin' TON Of snow…she was snowed in at her mom's! Those cookies look FABULOUS!! Thanks Karen….and I was trying to be good…

  5. Your weather is looking much like Nova Scotia. It is a bit dreary, but the snow will come soon. I love the views from your office. I know what you mean about knowing there are neighbour's about. A community is nice, especially in the country. Love the cookies and your holiday spirit. Cheers! Susan

  6. Love the double wreaths on your doors!
    Rainnnnnn is continueing and I am doing my darndesttt to send snow flurries-that stick- your way!

    I'm so going to make cokkies tomorrow, wqith that neat o find …I swear, I smelled them cooking from here, in Oregon City!

  7. What a beautiful area you live in, love those photos. And the cookies, they look awesome. Raining here also for the last couple of days, a sprinkling of of snow would be nice.

  8. Oh Karen!-there is nothing more wonderful than baking cookies with another girl in the family. I love your little Christmas trees…and yes..after the blizzard we are experiencing I would be glad to send you TWO semiloads of snow. NO CHARGE…just pay shipping! Hugs- Diana

  9. Oh goodness, we're having a huge snowstorm and are stuck on our hill. The drifts are knee deep and Daniel will have to use the Deere to dig us out tonight. Thanks for the cookie tip, will try and find those so I can make the townhouse seem more like home for the holidays.
    Merry Christmas, Karen; God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.

  10. you have a gorgeous view….and i'm with your hubby….NO SNOW PLEASE !
    and i love your stove, too….swoon, red knobs 🙂

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