A lesson in Pie

  Last weekend while driving through the Shelburne Falls and Greenfield leg of our Vermont day trip,  we passed a church holding a pie sale.  There were several older women standing at the roadside with one pie in hand, waving to passers-by.  I knew those pies would be good, but my eager family didn’t want to stop just yet.  So on we went.

 That evening as we headed for home, we again came across the waving ladies and their pies… still smiling, still waving.  I couldn’t pass them by again.  We pulled over and  I crossed the street and approached the first waving lady, the one with the biggest smile.  I said  ” We saw you this morning and you’re still here waving and selling pies!”…  and she said ”  We’re almost out, go grab one for yourself, they are divine!  I’m smiling because I made alot of those pies and I know that I’ll be making someone happy today. My pies are that good, and our church and it’s people in need will benefit from this sale.”     With that she gave me a big hug and said “Thank you for taking the time to stop by”.

  When I got back in the car my son asked “Why did that lady give you a hug, mom? What did you say?”   I told him I didn’t say much, she was just thankful for our simplest gesture of stopping to buy one of her pies.  The money will go to a cause she believes in and we helped just a little bit for them to get to their goal.”

    That hug from a stranger warmed me.  Moments like these remind me, sustain me, fill me with hope.  They don’t come often and there should be more of them.  It doesn’t take much to contribute to the greater good of the world. I could easily fall into a black hole of despair over the state of so many things. I hate reading the news in any form, so much in the negative. What could I ever possibly do that might make a difference?   But there are things each one of us can do.. little things, baby steps, moments of kindness.

 When we arrived home I tore into that pie and boy, was it good.  I noticed something else too…. those ladies probably made about 20-30 pies each before the sale… I’m guessing there were about 200 to sell.   Notice the little leaf in the pie crust. When you’re cranking out a lot of pies… this is an unnecesary embelishment and it takes more work.   An extra detail on each pie, just because.  Another kind gesture, another hug.

    For $10  I got a heck of a lot more than just a really good apple pie.

 “Anything you do from the soulful self will help
lighten the burdens of the world.
You have no idea what the smallest word,
the tiniest generosity, can cause to be set in motion…
Mend the part of the world that is within your reach.”  
-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

quote taken from the book
the gift of an ordinary day, by Katrina Kenison


16 thoughts on “A lesson in Pie”

  1. Simple things like this remind us that there is still a lot of good in the world. I am a big hugger…my kids don't even ask why anymore. Be careful if we ever meet…


  2. Pie? Now you're talking my language! 'Tis the season for apple pie, and it's just about my favorite … except for cherry, or pumpkin, or lemon, or pecan … I think you get the idea.

    I didn't used to hug, but I do now … A LOT. I even hug people I don't know, and people who probably don't want to be hugged. Shoot, I hugged a lady at the vet's office the other week. She got bad news, and she was by herself, and she just looked like she needed a hug. So I did. I got a lot from that hug. That's probably why I do it.

  3. Love this post. You are so right. Just having a pleasant moment with a stranger can turn your day around. Those connections are what matter. Person to person.

    I go for days without watching the news because everything is so negative. Thank God for moments like the one you had with that sweet lady.


  4. Right time, right people. Moments like that are what makes your heart sing. You never know who or what will touch you, or how you've touched them. Love it.

  5. Love old lady pie sales… they are the best and it's true, they always go that extra step withe the leaf on top. Generally great recipes passed down to them by their mothers and grandmothers. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

    Love the message too!

  6. Loved everything you wrote today, don't you just love it when an unexpected hug comes your way.
    Your so right about dwelling on the negative, and how it makes you feel. ( unfortunately for me, I just posted a bit of negativity, now I feel bad.)
    I've consciously stopped watching the news in the morning, it just a terrible way to start the day.
    And oh, lovin that header photo, beautiful.
    And one last thing, I'm sure you made the pie lady's day.

  7. This was a perfect post to remind us of how simple things that we do can really make a difference. I am with you. I wish there was more of this in the world every day. As the famous Barbie movie, The Twelve Dancing Princesses, tells us, "Big or small, there is a difference that only you can make." Remember… I have a four year old, but darn it these Barbie movies are actually pretty good! We use this phrase a lot and it just fits with your post!

  8. I love your message today…and I think I am going to hug the first person I meet today:)

    How wonderful to still have small churches that fundraise with homemade pies…I would so stop and buy one…

  9. We live in an area where hugs are still the norm and people still chat with folks they don't know like they have known them all their lives. We still have community suppers, fund raisers, bake sales and all those Mayberry kinda things. It's a great life. At the community suppers, I'm known as the Pie Lady because I always have a couple of pies for the table.

  10. I love this post. Such a feel good thing. My husband asked me the other day why I just skim the newspaper…my answer…reading the whole thing just gets me down!
    Here's to doing little things to make others happy!

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