Sunday Sauce

 The kid helped me make Sunday Sauce and Meatballs this afternoon….
He’s actually a darn good cook’s assistant.
Maybe I can talk him into being a Chef instead of a Trophy Truck Driver.

8 thoughts on “Sunday Sauce”

  1. Oh wow… I saw your red sauce and got hungry. I'm doing red sauce tomorrow at Hubby's request for use on spaghetti or whatever else suits our fancy. Making a double batch to freeze some for later.

    Yours look wonderful!


  2. Yummy!!! My husband would move in with you if you served that!!! Heck, Jemma would leave me too! It was actually cool this evening and today was gorgeously warm and perfect!! Wooo hoooo!!!

  3. A Chef would be a good career. And also very convenient to have in the family.
    But only mouthwatering photos and no recipe? I'm so disappointed 🙂

  4. I like the new look!

    Red sauce and meatballs is a family favorite around here too. I make a mean sauce for a Swedish girl.

    My Italian friend Perry used to tell me that he and his family call red sauce 'gravy.' I always liked that.

  5. Sauce looks good but, dang, woman! If you've ever driven/ridden the Haul Road, you'll understand why your son wants to drive -grin-.
    Are you familiar with 'chocolate gravy'? It's an Appalachian mainstay.

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