Before and After – Keeping Room

  According to    ” A keeping room is an area just off the kitchen of a home. Keeping rooms date back to Colonial times when families would sleep in that area when the rest of the house was cold. Since the area could be heated by the kitchen stove, it often provided the only heated place in the house. Today, a keeping room is called by many different names, depending on one’s geographical location, such as a family room, a great room and a hearth room. The whole idea of a keeping room is to have a family gathering place that is near the kitchen.”

  Our “keeping room” is the kitchen cooking and eating area, the dining room, a hearth sitting area with wingbacks…basically a family hub.  This part of the house takes up the entire back first floor of the original homestead. the two front rooms, which were once a study and a dining room, are used as our offices.

We took that center of the kitchen wall out in the new design (it housed a very narrow staircase) and the kitchen island now takes it’s place…

We reinstalled the original hearth… (before)…

( after…)
We went back and forth about painting over the original finish..
 but we had the feeling the room needed lightening up and this shade of beige did the trick.
In this photo you can see the placement of the two front rooms, his office on left, mine on right.
Original view – the window centered in room is now the hallway to the masterbedroom.
 This was a great feature in the original house… french doors that swung out onto a patio.
We put the dining table in that area and the doors would not accomodate the placement, so they were exchanged for a large window.

An old rocker that I bought for a song, thinking I was picking up something authentic. I love rocking horses…
This turned out to be a knock-off, there’s actually a whole website or two dedicated to this very subject. 
 I still love him, even gave him a new tail.  
My son brought these in from the field today… Queen Anne’s Lace and Butterfly weed..
These are awesome dishtowels made by Hilary of Crazy as a Loom…  beautifully made, soft, absorbent..
and you should see her jeans rugs, among MANY other things….
I do have four island stools for the kitchen… but they’re currently needed elsewhere…

14 thoughts on “Before and After – Keeping Room”

  1. Absolutely lovely, Karen. I see you all gathered together on a winter night with a roaring fire in the fireplace!


  2. Your kitchen (all the spaces on this post really) is stunning. I am envious of the large spaces (and that damn red-knobby thing).

    The thing I am most envious of is that lovely, deep windowsill above the sink. Awesome!

  3. What a beautiful house and such a fabulous job y'all are doing! We've been up to our eye brows renovating our home…for 15 years!…and still aren't done -grin-. That's okay, it's still a beautiful place and we love it.
    That's one huge island; looks like it does the trick. Another thing I love about old houses are the windows…so large and let in so much light…especially welcome in the winter.

  4. Karen, it is GORGEOUS!! I am glad you shared the meaning of a keeping room. I did not know that. Your kitchen is great and love that island and the granite and the lights. Well everything! Your floors are amazing and the chandelier is too. Love those red chairs. They are perfect.

  5. Such a great house you and your family have! That kitchen is awesome and the paint on the fireplace is perfect for the room with the dark floors.

    I love Hilary's towels too. She's a sweetie!


  6. I didn't know that's where "keeping room" got it's name. Interesting. I love all the painted wood – cupboards, island & especially the hearth! Nice job with everything — it's beautiful!

  7. I just found your blog and love it! Your house is fantastic. I am a Californian now but I love my New England roots. We have wonderful weather but no where on earth is there charm like New England charm!!! Great blog.

  8. That is such a warm and inviting kitchen (have I mentioned I just LOVE your house?). I like the hearth especially.
    Very inventive desk 😉

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