
So much to cover here!  But first, an observation.  I love having my own blog, meaning I truly own it, and it can’t disappear someday when Google decides to get rid of blogger.  The downside is, it appears many friends who used to stop in regularly either haven’t found the space or are no longer interested in reading it.  While it’s never been my goal to accumulate a large number of readers, more a journal for me to keep, I have truly enjoyed getting to know the folks who stop in here.  It sort of feels like some good neighbors have moved away and didn’t keep in touch.

So, we’ve been busy around here!  And… I haven’t paid much attention to the goings on in Washington, it’s been blissful!  Although oddly, it also feels irresponsible, which of course it isn’t.

My daughter K and I were at a horse show for a few days, and she and Miss Leah had a great show!  She grabbed her first Blue Ribbon in Western Pleasure with Leah and two 2nd’s.   At the risk of embarassing her here,  I’m so proud of K for her courage and determination. She shows me every day what it means to tackle and overcome some of the hard things life can throw at you, and these pictures are the proof.

I think they should bring back the Tired Grooms class, just sayin.   That morning I was truly running on Dunkin.

The farm this show was held on is beautiful – looks like it goes on for miles.

We spent Sunday and Monday at the cottage,  had a cookout with family and the weather was glorious! I got my first paddle in around the cove, even brought my co-pilot.

This little “island” community of approximately 140 cottages sits on a 360-ish acre shorefront farm owned by the same family since the 1600’s.  They still farm a portion of that property, and often we are greeted by the cows as we drive down the narrow lane to the waterfront.  These cows also have lush fields not visible in the picture, but they often wander down into the marsh to cool off.

Lilacs here on the farm and on island are just about done, Iris are in full bloom and the poppies are gorgeous –  I need to plant more of those, they are so cheery, uplifting , a real splash of bold color.  My vegetable gardens are planted, too – a tiny one at Stella and two raised beds of a good size in the backyard.  My seedlings looked anemic this year, I’m hoping now that they’re in the ground they’ll flourish. The Phlox are gorgeous!

My Spring Chicks are almost as big as the grown girls – notice the mesh that separates them from the adults – soon they’ll be big enough to incorporate into the flock and I can take down this make-shift nursery, which they are indeed outgrowing rapidly.


I mentioned my blog neighbors above, well the best news of all is we’re getting new neighbors right next door.  When we bought this old house and farm and resurrected her,  we also had the idea in our heads that if the children chose to live in this area once they graduated and started their adult lives, they could have a lot on the farm and build a house for themselves if it worked for them.  I’m very very happy to report that both have decided to do just that, and have been saving their hard earned money while living in apartments with their significant others (who we also love.) Yesterday we poured the footings for K’s house foundation – So… once again here on this blog you can follow along on a house build.  She’s chosen a charming cape style house that will blend with the old homes in this neighborhood as if it’s been here for 200 years, just like our “Grace”.  The upstairs will remain unfinished to keep the mortgage down, until they have a need for the two bedrooms and bath that will eventually go upstairs.  The master will be on the first floor.   Stay tuned!


Last night we took Mom out for a Birthday celebration Lobster dinner, the food was divine and the laughter around the table priceless.  Happy Birthday, Mom – we all love you very much. May we celebrate many more birthdays together, and may the laughter and love  continue to flow around the table as easily as it did last night.


Till soon, friends – thank you for stopping by –

18 thoughts on “Scategories”

  1. Hello,

    Sounds like everything is going great there. Congrats to K on her ribbon winning and the house building. That is awesome news. I love the views of the farm, horses and the chickens. Happy belated Birthday to your Mom. Have a happy day!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and her future home! I look forward to following the building process.

  3. Looks like your weather has been lovely. How fun to watch a new house going up!

    1. Actually, Penny, we’ve had so much rain we’re all feeling drenched. We did have a few beautiful days, however – and tomorrow it might return.

  4. Happy Birthday to your Mom and I love your co pilot most of all, next best is the cows in the marsh. love it… so much beauty surround you and your old home and I am happy for all of you about the new home going up. about bloggers, I went from 40 to 30 to 20 and now am down to about 15 or 16 comments… most of the ones that have quit visitng have closed their blogs and are now doing Instagram, FB and Twitter. which involves post a pic not writing. I keep my blog for me, but agree about having visitors… had not thought about blogger shutting us down. phooey

    1. They might not shut it down, but there’s no guarantee, and that was enough for me to seek my own space. And I think you’re right about why bloggers are leaving blog land.

  5. I’m still here with you <3 My numbers have really dropped this year also. I do not really want to do IG often and I refuse to do FB. I think not posting my decor pics etc is what also helped the drop but I don't care. When I began, I assumed no one would ever see it but me and I just wanted a journal anyway. I can have 800 viewers with no comments at all so I just peek at the stats now and then to see if there is ever a flurry of activity and why. When I was in magazines I would have 300 comments and it took weeks to answer, so I was careful what I wished for. Now and again someone pops up who has followed all ten years and it's their first comment. Who knows who is out there?

    I heard IG is eliminating the likes from public view so that will affect lots of folks who care only about the NUMBERS .

    Once I stop I will continue to follow those friends I made along the way even if it's eventually only via email. You all are extended family now- second and third cousins if you will – so I love hearing about family and Stella and projects etc

    1. Well you Know I feel the same about this blog family of ours – you are of course one of my dear blogfriends and we go way back! LOL… I hope things are beginning to look up for you?

  6. Wow! Both kids are building near you and your daughter has already broke ground? Awesome! You guys are gonna have your very own Kennedy compound! Now…we need to come up with a really cool name!

    Congratulations to your daughter on winning her ribbons!

    The pic of your sleepy self, holding the coffee cup, resembles me on my way to my colonoscopy appointment this morning! I don’t dare sleep soundly…since you never know if you have to dash outta bed at any given time…lol!

    I love phlox, it reminds me of growing up in Fishers, NY when I was a kid. We had them allll over the yard. The smell is right up there with lilacs, lily of the valley and peonies.

    Happy Birthday to your mom! I love that you cherish her so much…it speaks volumes as to how you were raised!

    That lobster looks magnificent! We are travelling to Rockport next week to celebrate our 40th. We can’t wait to feast on lobster, crab cakes, chowder and more! Of course, we will take in all the scenery and enjoy smelling that bracing sea air! I can’t wait!

    Thank you so much for sharing all your pictures, I love them all!

    1. Well I hope your test went well, and Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your trip! and thank you for stopping in. Have a lobster or crab cake for me, I can no longer eat shell fish and I miss it sooo much! –

  7. Your flowers are way ahead of mine!
    You are so lucky your children found significant others that live in our state!
    Have a beautiful day- no rain at last!!

    1. I’m grateful every day that my kids are in state. I do feel for the many many folks who end up far from each other due to spouse and employment and opportunity issues.

  8. I so enjoyed your post and welcome to WordPress. I think one of the reasons comments go down is because Blogger and Blogspot don’t play well with WordPress. I read your blog and others but when I comment, they disappear into thin air. Now I can visit and leave a comment and know that it will go through. 😀

  9. I’m trying to play catch up, Karen. So happy for K having a house built! Excited for her. Happy Belated to your mom; I love that your family gets together!


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