
     I am so proud to be an American Woman today…. amazed at the turnout  of both women AND MEN at the Women’s March on  Washington,  across the country and all over the world 
     Several of my friends are marching in DC and others in our state capitol. I’m hearing that it is very peaceful,  respectful, an inspirational gathering of folks who are alarmed and concerned about the protection of human rights, of healthcare issues, of womens right to govern their own body, of not tolerating the pussy grabber mentality we all witnessed and some dismissed. 
    The turnout is bigger than the crowds for the inauguration – wow!  Hopefully, Washington will heed the warning that we are paying attention and won’t tolerate injustice.  The Orange Scream said yesterday he was giving back the government TO THE PEOPLE… well let’s see if he’ll walk the talk. 

     Women are nurturers, bread winners, doctors, lawyers, we are politicians, innovators, healers, we are military, we are law enforcement, educators, homemakers, we are three quarters of the existence of life itself because we are it’s vessel.  What our bodies have to go through to bring forth life is a miracle.  That we are still, in this day and age, not treated by some of  the powers that be as equal is just wrong.

      Interesting… the World is making a statement today, and there is no comment from the President. Oh he’s been on twitter.. only to praise himself. Not a mention of what’s going on right outside his new front door.  What was it he said just yesterday?…  Your voice, your hopes, your dreams will define our American destiny.  … only if they align with his.
I keep hearing from the GOP and it’s faithful that they want smaller government, less regulation… well that doesn’t fly if you’re trying to regulate a woman’s 
reproductive rights…


 My friends are in the photo below, my name is on those signs… kinda wishing I had gotten on that bus yesterday.  I’m with them in spirit and so darn proud and grateful for their courage. Proud that millions of people showed up and demonstrate what peaceful protest means.  Amen and Amen again.

  You Go Girls!

UPDATE:   All those millions of people gathered, Not one arrest was made in DC yesterday – Bravo.