
       Warning – this is indeed a political rant and I’m not even gonna edit.  In a nod of respect to my Trump supporting blog friends, this is where you should click off. While it’s not a political blog and for the most part will not have a political focus, it is my space and I firmly believe ignoring current affairs by sticking the proverbial fingers in my ears and singing lalalalalala is just irresponsible. 

   As much as I would like to put this election behind me and move on, he’s here to stay and the offenses just keep piling on as we are assaulted by it daily.  I wanted so badly to believe he would rally and drop the reality show persona, you know, take his title seriously by leaving his ego at the door. His own mother, may she rest in peace, had said he’d make a horrible president because he listens to no one.   I believe her. 

   Never mind where you stand in the political isles…truth, I’m right smack in the middle. I eyed the republican choices throughout the process, hoping for the change that might do some good. Didn’t happen.  With this President-Elect  I keep asking myself… why is this behavior OK with people?  How did we come to be willing to accept this sh*t??  To accept the hypocrisies?   Was the desire to “get something different”.. or swing back to a conservative line so important that all else we were willing to forsake?   I wonder – Are people having second thoughts now that they see  he’s just getting warmed up, not becoming more “Presidential”?  What IS Presidential if it’s not a worldly, experienced, even tempered intelligent person capable of self restraint, putting  Democracy, the nations people and Americas international and diplomatic and political health ahead of his own EGO. 

    He’s still twittering/whining about the election –  Several times a day! Complaining if he or one of his businesses gets a bad review! Calling out world leaders on twitter?!?   I don’t think any of us realizes the fine balance this world and it’s peaceable existence balances on.. words matter –  WORLD LEADER WORDS MATTER.  Words can send bombs flying in milliseconds.  Getting the facts before you twitter matter!   Taking credit for things he hasn’t done.. that’s just gross.  A Victory Tour? Who does that?? Denying CIA and FBI proof of Russian interference in our elections? Suddenly that’s ok to ignore? No one thinks it will change the election… how about letting them know IT’S NOT OK, WE WILL NOT ACCEPT IT.  Instead of denying our own intelligence. Wow, dude.. way to throw your own country under the bus.    
     Business conflicts of interest, that’s ok now?  Putting Billionaires in office  who milked the system for their own gain repeatedly, weren’t we draining that self interest swamp?  – Not a priority anymore?    You think they’re gonna give a shit about the environment?  Someone has to. Really. It’s a thing.    Hell, there are pay as you play events set up already the day after the inauguration by his sons!  For $50,000 you’ll get a meet and greet with the President and his big game hunt loving sons! All under the guise of “conservation”.  I’m just not that stupid and I’m sure you aren’t either.    Suddenly THATS ok though.  OH, they’re trying to spin it another way, but it’s still .. just.. spin.   Weren’t we tired of all that?  Didn’t we want DIFFERENT?  Why are we all just accepting this – because THIS different is hideous.    

 His is really bizarre and juvenile behavior for someone who’s about to lead the US. For the love of all that is considered sanity, if you really expect the larger half of the country to accept your status, you really oughta start behaving like an adult, isn’t this behavior we learned in 5th grade?   It’s clear no one is capable of reining him in, either – his handlers must all be cringing, they must.  No wonder Melania just stays the hell out of the way. 

  His cabinet picks are bizarre, it’s almost as if he’s trying to sabotage the entire system. Some have lawsuits against the very agencies they will head – some have never had experience in the areas they will preside over.  Some have committed many offenses in the departments they will oversee. What?? How is this ok. 

 I have to believe we all know this is really poor behavior, some questionsable picks,  and a scary lack of self restraint.  I want to believe even Trump supporters privately cringe at at least SOME of this.    Try as I may, I just don’t see the silver lining in this big fat  gold gilded orange cloud.   If you believe in Trump and this post offends you and you’re still reading, from now on you’ll want to scroll past this blog when I occasionally spew, because there are no good answers to the questions I just posed.  Nothing stated above is a lie, it is what it is.  It’s the Devil we didn’t know who’s in the house now and we’re all stuck, for better or worse.