How low are we gonna go?

 Seems there is no limit.  I wasn’t going to talk about the candidates anymore, but jeez, I just keep getting confounded by the bullshittery.

  Did you watch the debates?  Here was the Tangerine Screams time to proverbially SHINE, if ever there was one.  (there was indeed less of an orange hue to his complexion that night, perhaps someone important finally said something?)  And yet he was just more of the same… because I guess when push comes to shove you can only be you.  Apparently it doesn’t take much to shove him into defense mode either, he is bated very.. very.. easily. For a man to hold such an important office and wield the kind of power he would have, that should make every single one of us nervous. 
And yet. 
So coming away from that debate,  we learned he will always be him, he will never straighten up and fly right, for lack of a better way to say it.  He will not become “Presidential” in any way, shape or form.  He didn’t deny he hadn’t  paid Federal taxes because “he’s Smart”.    Oh, but he’s denying he said that now, even though it came right out of his mouth for all of us to see.  Doesn’t seem to matter! He  didn’t deny calling women some ugly names, saying they *deserved it*.  He never answered any of the questions put to him without having to be asked more than once, and even then… did we come away with any.. answers?   He didn’ t deny being sued twice by housing authorities because he was discriminatory against blacks years ago.  His answer was, in simplest terms, others were doing it too.  He settled with them!    That doesn’t erase the behavior, D*nald.    He was rude with the interruptions, he was bated into anger easily with simple comments. Jeez, you gotta have a thicker skin than that if you’re gonna have your fingers on those nuke codes.  Again.. that should make every single one of us more than nervous… how about scared sh*tless.  
 Two things  I have to give the D*nald… he was right about Trade issues, I do agree with what he has to say on that subject.  I agree that we shouldn’t be the World’s police without some form of payment, the burden of cost on many  levels should not be all ours and it has been in many instances. 
 Hillary was Hillary… I don’t love her.   But I will vote for her this time.   I keep coming to the same conclusion because I don’t like my options… there’s no other logical choice. What’s really pathetic is that these debates are no longer about We The People… the issues before us and solving them.   We all know what they are and know we have to find a better way, real solutions all across the board.   As for the first Tr*mp-Cl*nton debate, didn’t matter who you were cheering for.  It was mostly about jeers and leers and sneers, eye rolls, snorting, smirks, chuckles, insults and even some lies yet again.  For the Great Country that we truly are, how sad that it’s come to this.  Shame on all of us, shame on our government.  
I’m not a religious person but I’m compelled to say, God Help Us All.