When all that is golden is lost

    You’ve probably caught some of the Olympic fever going around, and I have watched a few bits and pieces while trying to beat the heat that has blanketed New England this week.  Last night I watched an HBO show hosted by Bryant Gumbal -( haven’t seen him in a while, reminds me of just how much I have aged, let alone him.)   He and three others discussed reporting they had done regarding the ghosts of Olympics past, and… questioned the role of the IOC.  What an intricate mess, these Olympics we herald. 
  What’s the IOC?  I’ve never paid attention before until now..  according to Wikipedia and their website… They are an all volunteer group  –

 international, non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland, created by Pierre de Coubertin, on 23 June 1894 with Demetrios Vikelas as its first president.  The IOC is the supreme authority of the worldwide modern Olympic movement. The IOC organises the modern Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games, held in summer and winter, every four years. …. their mission –  Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The Olympic Movement works year-round to promote Olympism and use sport as an agent for positive social change around the world. 
   With the S*chi games we did hear some grumbling about the $51 Billion dollar Olympian Complex P*tin built, displacing many of the poorer sector by demolishing their housing complexes to create his show case.  A prominent journalist who spoke out against the obvious issues was executed not long after the games. Oddly, on a stretch of road/bridge where the lighting was out due to “repair work”.   The complex now sits mostly unused, and the company that owns part of it is going bankrupt.  In Be*jing, 134 human rights attorneys went missing, some jailed, some never to be heard from again. These are just some examples.   
   The Beijing complex – all but abandoned.  Ath*ns – ditto. S*chi, barely used.   Many many  human rights issues arose within those countries during the bidding, the building, and the ultimate abandonment of the olympic facilities.   In an interview with a retired member of the IOC, he was asked if they were aware of all the horrors bestowed on the locals as the Olympic stadiums are built?  His answer was basically –  we weren’t aware of them because they are not our business.  We are not there to change the governing or laws of the countries who host. That is not our job.      But you have to ask the question – shouldn’t it be their job, when decided who will win the bid to host… to make sure it’s all done humanely?  To benefit all, not just the leaders who want the publicity?  To not significantly negatively impact the society in which it is being held in the big picture?   As he was repeatedly asked why none of the offenses were the concern of the IOC, he simply stated, (annoyed)  that’s just not our job.     
But it should be. Look at their mission statement – Seeks to create a life based on the joy of effort, the education value of good example, social responsibility… etc etc etc.  
Apparently they didn’t get their own memo. 
  The Olympics are an inspiration and a unification in so many ways around the world – for these athletes and the people they represent.  On that we can all agree. 
 But.. There is so much more that happens in the underbelly.  I was truly shocked to see it’s underbelly.   I have often thought – why don’t they just build an Olympic Stadium somewhere for the winter games and one for the summer games and call it a day.  Use those for all games.  Wouldn’t that make the most sense?   I wasn’t even aware of  the above issues.. OR the below, for that matter. 



 At the games in Rio, water quality issues abound – severe pollution in the venues for sailing, rowing and other water sports has clouded athletes and visitors enthusiasm and frightened many.  Raw sewage seeps into the bay where these events take place –  it’s beaches 1.7 billion times more toxic than a US beach.  There is risk of contracting Hepatitis, Cholera, other bacterial infections, and Z*ka is still being transmitted by moquito, among other things.  Rio had 7 years to clean up it’s environment, which they said they would do, and yet they didn’t.  Officials had hoped the Olympics would force them to finally do the clean up but that’s not what happened.   Shouldn’t the IOC be concerned for the health and well being of participating athletes also instead of deliberately looking the other way and putting them in harms way? 
Link to the HBO show HERE