Palin? … or Progress.. …

   If you dared to click on the post after reading that title, no, you won’t be subjected to another lengthy political rant  because frankly, I’m too disgusted… her return to the arena produced it’s own sort of shock and awe  around here, forgive me for resurrecting that phrase too…..

     Maybe just a brief one –  So.. If you’re still a Palin supporter after all this time… I have to ask you… WHY WHY WHY?… see transcript of her pathetic endorsement of Trump here.    If he’s not regretting that action by now, there is no hope… at all.

   And.. it gets better  – if  you really haven’t had enough… if you’re still standing strong in Palin territory  –  (can you see Russia?… just wonder’n) .. then take a gander at this… she flicks responsibility of her son’s  assault of his girlfriend off on someone else…. The President of the United States…. shock and awe again.  Read HERE

    That being said.. I’m just gonna shut up and move on.. to progress… of the rocking horse variety.

    You’re relieved, aren’t ya.

    After discovering my rocking horse is indeed about 110 or so years old, but the paint was bastardized and the tack not original (actually vinyl and deteriorating quickly)… I decided to strip him of all the crud and give him a makeover.  I used acetone to get all the debris off his frame,  and my son and I pulled about 2,479 brads (tiny nails) out of his tack and stripped him bare.

  Then I went to the hardware store for advice on the best paint to use –  Amitha Verma chalk paint, clear wax and grey antique finish… I used painters tape to cut out circles and create the dappled grey effect with two shades of chalk paint –

… and this is where we’re at…  Notice his new ears – courtesy of a grey pair of suede work glove thumbs.  I’m waiting for a real horse hair bundle to arrive in the mail for his mane and tail, not the kind with hyde attached –  no horses were injured in the acquisition of such hair – they regrow what is cut off, and yes I tell myself that regularly because  I gotta believe it.

 I’ve also ordered some leather. I’m not a saddle manufacturer, this is gonna be interesting.  As for the base – I think I like it original, scuffs and chips and paint splatters and all.  What say you?…