Decked again…

   We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and  I hope you all did too. Come friday, as promised, I hauled Christmas out of the basement.   I even trekked out to the grocery store forgetting it was THAT DAY…. and boy let me tell you… if you’re one of those who enjoys Black Friday Insanity…. I just don’t get it.  People lose all sense of – sense- from what I can see. Everyone looks stressed and in a hurry, piles of “stuff” are being sifted and sorted and tossed, you have to park two miles from where you’re actually shopping (well it seems like it) …and … the crowds!!!….Took me fifteen minutes to get past the outlets, just to DRIVE BY them!  There were four cops on traffic duty too where there normally are none. One of them was my nephew, waving the traffic by as I hoped he wouldn’t be hit by one of the impatients.

     So ….Christmas at our house this year – I left some things down in the basement and bought a few new things just to change it up some.  If I were very wealthy I would change the whole theme every year because there are so many ways to decorate and I love them all!  (almost).  My grandmother had a large white christmas tree she put in the bay window for all to see – one year she had all red decorations, another it was all blue.  Sounds gross, right?  It was just gorgeous.   For years now I’ve tried to soften the tree with pastel glass ornaments, I do love them… but… when I decked the tree this year with all that pastel.. it just didn’t say Christmas.  I took a step back… had the men folk come in and give their opinion.. and asked.. what’s missing??… what .. is … missing?

     The husband said – to me…  Christmas is GOLD and RED and GREEN.

     That’s it.

      (Lord help me)  I could see his vision.  And the garland looked like it was strangling the tree, truth be told.   Off came the pastel stuff and the garland with the choke-hold, and I had a field day with GOLD and RED and GREEN.  I sprinkled red berries among the branches too.  While a real tree is ideal, with four dogs who might drink the poisoned water from a real tree (pesticides) , we fake it.

   Pardon the crap photos… I’ve gotten lazy with the iphone.


Chocolate covered oreos… is there anything better?….
We’ve changed up the furniture in the “keeping room” of This Old House…
The kitchen table used to be up against that window.. 
(hence the light fixture in weird location) 
and those chairs were next to the fireplace.
We switched them and love the flow of the highly used
living space now and those chairs actually get use. 

Mantel simply decked this year… and lit with tiny white lights at night
 Kitchen window
I’ve got a thing for old fashioned bottle brush trees…

Notice the two automatic foot warmers installed at the 
base of the bed. 
The kids did the outside this year….nice job, guys! 
Since it’s the season where folks return to their roots to
visit with family and friends…  Our sons GF was out on the eve before Thanksgiving
catching up with  friends who also hale from this area. 
Guess who they were chilling with…
If you aren’t a music fan, that’s Nick Fradiani  (last year American Idol winner) 
on the left, our Kenz, one of her friends, 
and are you a Patriots fan?  Camille is a former Pats cheerleader 
and Gronk’s current GF. 
I love Nick… after all he’s been to and through, he’s still just
a down to earth  home town boy.  Way to go, Nick. 
 Happy Holiday Season, All. 
If you’re posting your holiday stories, traditions, decorations,
leave the link to your post in the comments section.
I’d love to share it –