Theres an a$$ for every seat

  To the GOP who stood up and applauded last night when the President mentioned in his speech that he had no more campaigns to run… You are a disgrace, as was your foolish, childish mockery.  Actually, I think CHILDREN know better than to behave in such a way.  As for anyone out there who thought that was appropriate behavior aimed at THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, your attitude is part of why our government is such an embarrassment at this place in time.  And after being handed such an ignorant display of behavior, he is chastised for his response?  If you approved the applauding but disapproved of his giving a  response… which referenced winning both elections… you’re showing your true colors. 
 I’ll say it again as I have said here before.. I don’t approve of all ideas and actions President Obama has brought to the table during this two term presidency and I can say that about any politician elected to office that I’ve ever paid attention to.  I think you can say the same. What we have before us now in our government is shameful behavior that brings to mind schoolyard tactics. Other nations are losing respect for us NOT because of any particular man who holds the highest office, but because of the way we do not stand together, work together, have respect for each other right here in our own home, America. Especially on the highest platform.   We are ALL better than this… and yet we keep sinking further down that hole with our cheers and jeers and accusations and discord and idiotic behavior. 
Enough said.