Is it… could it be?….

Yesterday was so darn Spring-like, I took advantage of the semi-warm weather and went out to our little greenhouse to plant zinnia seeds.  Wonder of wonders, I was able to do it in a T-shirt without benefit of a jacket.   After this years winter, it’s as if we’re emerging slowly from an Alaskan wilderness dream slow to end, eyes blinking, face up to the sun,  not accustomed to the light and warmth. 

Amazing that these dried out, flat little seeds will produce beautiful
flowering plants in the months to come. 

Gardening, even on a very small scale, is so rewarding an experience.
If you haven’t ever given it a try, I recommend you do so in whatever manner
works for your lifestyle.  Even a city rooftop or a suburban deck can
be the host to a little container garden and the supplies don’t have to cost very much at all.  

 It felt so good poking around in the dirt I decided to start my little fairy garden beneath the big sugar maple tree  in the backyard.

  It’s too early to plant anything here just yet…

 Then I took Ben for a walk down the road, and oh did it feel good/bad/  We’ll be doing a lot more of that.   Got a dog that pulls on you and makes walking an unpleasant experience?  Get yourself an Easywalk harness.  Totally humane, does the job.  At 190 lbs, even a mild tug from Ben is a BIG one. This harness has made our walking experience easy as a breeze and causes no pain to the dog.

I swear I heard a chorus sing when I looked down on my little “seaside real estate”
perennial garden and saw a crocus poking it’s head through the soil.
It’s a beautiful thing. 

So excited was I  by the prospect of warm weather, I tried on a bathing suit I bought on sale at Nautica for the coming summer.  Oh, it fit just fine.  But what I looked like in it was a whole ‘nother story.  No, you won’t get a picture of that.   You’re welcome.

So… More walking , a yoga kick start and some light weight training are in store. 

 A health tip I have been given before but didn’t heed until now… real simple.  Warm Lemon water every morning.   It benefits so many things, from digestion to inflammation and weight loss.   Excellent  not.too.long article  HERE  about that very thing.   Amazing, the benefits for your body of just that simple health regimen. 

It’s a new day, all –  Make it  a good one.