Ask me how much I love Spaghetti Squash

As a pasta lover, one of the most difficult things to give up in my quest to go gluten free and less carb addicted was giving up Pasta.   There are so many things I used to make for my family that involve pasta and bread.   The kids still indulge now and then, but they can well afford it.  The husband and I really want to avoid it in an effort to shed the extra pounds and in my case, get rid of the gluten issues in my body.

SO.. am so very thrilled to have discovered through FB  the wonders of spaghetti squash.  Can’t believe I’ve never heard of or tried this before, but folks… I’m telling you… it’s delicious!  and it’s a great substitute for pasta!  AND… it’s so easy to make and good for you too!  * Spaghetti squash is beloved among those who are watching their carbs, as
it is higher in nutrients and lower in carbs and calories than pasta.*

Here’s what  I’ve done with it so far, and it was gone so fast you could use the term inhaled... even by my finicky eating son.

You buy a few squash at the grocery store, I think they’re common… and I needed three to feed my family and have enough.  You wash them, cut them in half length wise, scoop out the seeds – not unlike pumpkin guts – place them cut face down on a cookie sheet and bake for 25 minutes or so at 350 degrees.  The skin begins to turn soft when they are done.   Take them out of the oven, allow to cool some, then take a fork and literally scratch the insides, which immediately make spaghetti!  Then add the sauce of your choice.   I made my favorite Pesto… recipe below…

 before removing the “guts”

My favorite Pesto recipe

2 firmly packed ups of basil leaves
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tbs pine nuts or slivered almonds
2 cloves (or more!) of garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
3 tbs butter cut into pieces

Place all in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.
If you are cooking regular pasta, add a small amount of the cooked pasta
water to the sauce, mix well and serve.
If  using with spaghetti squash, I added a few tbs of hot water to give it
a better texture.