Dear Heritage Hall (Mary)  .. I just received this comment from you but couldn’t reply because your e-mail is blocked.  I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time reading my blog. I can  honestly tell you I have no idea what you are talking about.  I do not have advertisements on my blog because I also find them annoying. When I look at my posts I do not see any highlighted words that would have ads pop up, so I don’t know what you are referring to.   If this is happening with all my readers, can you please tell me what you are experiencing?.. as it sounds very annoying. 

This is what Mary had to say:…

As much as I love your blog, each time I hit a highlighted word, I am
inundated with obscure and unsolicited ads….popping up all over while I
endeavor to read, or
I lose the website when I try to
exit….I don’t know if you have
any control over these solicitations, but it is discouraging to try to follow your blog and I will take leave for awhile…too distracting.
Still love you and all you do…

Thanks, all – your input is appreciated.