Team KMax

K doesn’t do the winter show scene, 
but she continues diligent work thanks to the indoor where she boards Max
to improve their “game” for the new show season. 
Here at home, Opie gets a big reprieve in winter… 
as I am a bit of a wuss when it
comes to cold weather riding. 
See that shine?  K is just a tad OCD like her Dad..
and has the squeekiest clean horse in the barn 🙂
Max is 18 this year…
looking good, old man! 

Max has a special talent.  He likes to undo zippers.
With that big horse mouth he grabs the tiny tab on jacket zippers
and pulls them down to open the jacket.
The first time he did that to K… she said..
Whoa Max.. it’s a little too soon in the relationship, don’t you think?