Maxfield Parrish

 While visiting with my artist cousin yesterday I asked him for tips with oil painting. We had an interesting discussion about light and dark and colors and shadows and the wide spectrum of hues… and then he told me about an artist named Maxfield Parrish.   Can’t believe I’ve never seen his work… I am in love with it… just WOW.  Notice the bold shades of color in his beautiful scenes, colors you might not equate with what they actually represent… just amazing.

I’m just in awe.  
His home in New Hampshire is pictured below… The Oaks
which was for sale in May 2013 for $475,000.
He lived here with his wife from the time he built it at the age of 28 until his death.
The house has an interesting history, however…and the reason it has been
on and off the market and at such a good deal of a price is because
the original burnt to the ground in the 1970’s. A replica (sort of) was put back
up in it’s place and the original outbuildings still grace the landscape. 

 For more information on the artist here

 * Update – I’ve just changed the way I posted the links… while I was able to
visit my blog and click on the link the way I had it, another reader
was not able to, saying the link as I had it was not active.

Let me know if the links work for you –