This, that and a whole lot of JUST SAYIN

  Are you ready for the holidays?  For a time of year that was originally designed to be such a joyous, celebratory season, why do we have to be ready?   Why?  Because the powers that be (read that as media, retailers, etc.) have blown these once spiritual holidays into a money spending, guilt promoting, tension building headache causing some of the joy to be sapped right out of it.  This year Christmas was in stores at the same time as Halloween.  Are ya kidding?  I actually saw the Thanksgiving decor on shelves in July.  It’s packed away already, have you noticed?  I’m pretty sure Easter is  sitting on the loading dock.

  That being said, I love this time of year.  My Thanksgiving menu is mapped out and I have visions of that big juicy turkey leg dipped in cranberry orange walnut sauce.  And the Cheeses!…  Have you ever been to a Cheese Shop?  Believe it or not, I have not.. until recently in a town not far from here.  I went, I sampled …OMG and then some.    Once you’ve had really good quality cheeses like those you get at a good cheese shop…. you’ll never be satisfied with cracker barrel again.  My recommendation is Cambozola Black – the creamiest brie infused blue cheese I have ever tasted.   If you’re local… go HERE for your holiday cheeses, even if you’re just treating yourself.  


  The Affordable Care Act.   *sigh*   Well.. I’m gonna say it right here right now.  I am so thoroughly disappointed.  I had hopes, I had dreams, I had confidence.. TWICE… that this administration would be the- change – the country needed after my thorough disgust with the previous administration.   I believed in the vision, the concepts, the forward thinking. I still believe it was genuine.   Apparently the country is not mature enough to handle it, and it’s not working out for a myriad of  other reasons either. You and I probably won’t agree that many issues can’t be blamed soley on our President, but some of the blunders are his,  they are big, and they are not the blunders I thought he might make.

  ** Our insurance is cancelling us.  Doesn’t matter that there is a year of _stay_ to sort this mess out…. they are still cancelling us regardless.  They are not honoring that particular new stay, they don’t have to.  Oh, there are other plans… and we can shop around, but my family already pays $1900 per month for insurance, and we are all relatively healthy.  Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we are being cancelled by our current insurance company, but if we want to come back, they’ll take us.  At an additional $400. per month, plus an $11,000. prescription deductible.     I’m sorry, Mr. President, that’s not my idea of affordable.


  Michael Skakel  is getting out on bail, a new trial awarded.  You may or may not know anything about the murder of  teenager Martha Moxley here in Connecticut many years ago –  surprise surprise, a few Kennedy cousins were in the mix, one convicted for the murder.  One Michael Skakel, who was 15 years old at the time of the murder.  I read one of the books written about the crime, and it sure as hell looked like they had the right guy to me, but someone now thinks differently and he’s being given another chance many years after his conviction. My sister and I were talking about it yesterday.. and she made a great point…

WHY is this man OBESE??  Hasn’t he been in prison for ten years?…. Who’s providing him with all the extra food it takes to maintain that obesity?  Apparently withholding junk food is too harsh a condition to impose on convicted murderers.

 Speaking of Kennedys –
50 years later, Despite all the research,  books, documentaries, TV specials and commemorations
of the tragic death of President John F. Kennedy,
who I think I would have approved of highly had I been alive and mature at the time,
we won’t ever really know for certain who was responsible for his assassination, will we.
Think what you will,  my belief is he was a visionary, he had real courage, the kind
Presidents should be made of, and he loved his country.
Off topic but not really – I will never give a flying f*ck what a person in office does with his or her 
private parts as long as it doesn’t involve children or abuse or the use of our tax dollars. 
That’s none of our collective business, period. 
You want government out of your business, right?  
I hear it time and time again, and I agree!
Well, no double standards then, ok?
– Just sayin.