When common sense goes out the window

   …first, let’s kill all the lawyers.   Just kidding, some of them do an excellent job.  Others take on cases that are clearly absurd for the sole purpose of acquiring money and fame…and horridly, they win.  And then there are the plaintiffs who bring on the absurd case in the first place.  Remember the woman who sued McDonalds for coffee that was too hot and burned her mouth when she drank it?  She won a lot of money.

  There is a case once again before the Supreme Court right now stirring in Connecticut. It’s caught the attention of many because of its absurdity and the possible affect it will have on the horse industry at large.

 Blog friend Cindi sent me this article, which tells me news of this ridiculous ruling is  reaching all over the country.  I’m glad.    Read newest information HERE .

HARTFORD – The Connecticut Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in
a case that may result in horses being declared “vicious” animals. The justices are hearing the appeal of
a ruling in which the owner of a Milford horse farm was found
responsible for one of his animals biting a child back in 2006.

The appeals court ruled that signs and
fencing did not sufficiently protect the child, especially since horses
are inherently and naturally vicious.

The owners of horse farms and equestrian businesses
say that if the new labeling sticks, insurers will no longer cover their
businesses and they’ll be forced to close down. 

   In a nutshell, a father was visiting a horse farm and held his 1.5 year old son up along a fence to give a horse some grass. There were signs posted along this fence… Please don’t feed the horses.  Using his own poor judgement, the father did anyway… and the horse reached over the fence and nipped the kid on the cheek.   The first case threw the family’s claim out because hey, the signs were posted, it was a stupid move on the fathers part. There was no record of malice on the part of the farm owner or his animals.   On Appeal, the court ruled all horses inherently vicious, overturning the ruling.  If this newruling sticks …. it will change the face of the horse industry forever, at least in this state.

   I am thoroughly disgusted every time I hear a case like this, where the plaintiff is seeking damages for their own poor judgement, seeking financial gain by punishing those who are so undeserving of the punishment. The farm owner took the proper precautions.  There are no precautions for stupidity.

    I’ve worked with and owned horses for 30 years now.  Never have I seen a vicious horse. Some have been abused and are not as trusting of humans and caution should be used around them.  Can you blame them?  And.. anything with teeth has the potential to bite. Humans are far more vicious than any animal.

   What a shame it would be for one idiot who decided to hold his infant child up to a large horses mouth to be able to demolish an entire horse industry.  I sure hope the Supreme Court demonstrates common sense this time around.

 Vicious?  My A**. 
Common Sense.. now there’s a concept. 
 Being awarded for not having any?
 Please, Connecticut… Say it ain’t so.  
Just sayin.