Small Town

    My message today is for the people of my town who might read this blog. However, the ideas can be applied all over the country.  Do I like politics?  Hell no.  Many don’t bother with it at all for a myriad of reasons.  It’s important, though, people.  Part of the reason we are in such a political mess in the good ole US  is apathy.  Not enough people are paying attention, not enough people are taking the time to really know candidates and make an informed decision, not enough people are showing up to vote.  Especially in small towns like ours.   I’m posting this everywhere I can today, because we have a truly ugly situation here in town and if nothing is done about it, it’s not going away. 

OK locals – this one’s for you -Our town has managed for all these years to be a
community of residents who work in relative harmony regardless of party
affiliation without the kind of animosity a certain new group have
created and appear to thrive on. Personal attacks, misleading
information and false accusations are their hallmark and if we don’t
stop our apathetic approach to not paying attention and not turning out
to vote, we will pay the price.

There is no Utopia, but as
long as there is simple decency and a willingness to work together,
there can always be solutions that are satisfactory to the majority. I
ask all registered Republicans to please get to know your candidates and
their qualifications, show up on October 1st and VOTE in this second Republican primary which is totally unnecessary and at a cost to  we the people, the taxpayers. We are a small
town, every single one of your votes MATTER!!!…