Hammonasset River

 We took advantage of some absolutely beautiful weather yesterday
and trucked Ruby and Torch down to a river entrance under the highway.
The water was murky…. bleh.. but once we got out closer to the sound
and the brackish water, the sights and lack of sounds were soul soothing.
It’s the only time I get my guy to unplug.


 I picked up a zombie hitch hiker along the way…

The tide was going out and wind blew in, so the paddle home
was more strenuous than the cruising out…
Two things you must always factor into your paddling..
 1. will the tide be for or against you,
2. same with the wind.


 Sunday Sauce was waiting on the stove…
I’m pretty sure no woman ever shot a man while he was making a Sunday Sauce.
– just sayin.