Horse’n around

Florida cousin V is staying here with family for a few days.
She’s always loved the area and is considering a move to CT to attend college
and see what she can see.
It’s a BIG DECISION… choosing to uproot yourself from friends and the family
you’ve always lived with to change up what you feel needs changing.
I did this very thing 30 years ago,only I was moving just two and a half hours up the pike,
with an old horse in tow, trading city-suburban life for horse country.
The place and the people I called ‘home’ back then were not so very far away.  
When V visits, we get the cousins together for some horse’n around…
Max and K have concluded their show year…
next weeks show is a no-go due to an equine respitory cold that’s been going around.
Thankfully our guy is healthy but we’re not taking chances.
At 17 after a long career of hauling and showing and teaching,
 he deserves good care and easy living.